Now you begin to understand !
I cant stand the idea of a Large hotel built on a motorized barge .! That's what the current crop looks like to me . I abhor the idea of any fixture but the mast and stack/exhausts , Above the bridge .You now have passengers over the bridge -- Wrong , Wrong , Wrong ! back in the day , you had to request a tour to come UP onto the bridge . I just am not comfortable that you can be going down stairs and stumble on to that level.
When passengers on the Shell Orion wanted to see the bridge . It was done by request , to be approved or denied by the captain ! You know the guy with the pretty gold on his hat UP on the Bridge ! If you were a passenger on the Matson Lines - Lurline , Matsonia , Monterrey and others , you Requested the tour and it was done two days out to Hawaii .
Passengers do not Belong on a bridge except at the consent of the captain ! Now take the ill fated Costa Concordia ! This Behemoth of a Ship ? within 600 feet of shore ! Unthinkable ! Being a show-off for a crew member and folks on shore , brought this captain to prison . And some passengers deceased , Not a good example , Eh Wot !
Now back to the Oriana . Did you know , she was white during the Falklands War ? Yeah , there is a book about her called the Great White Whale ! I liked her mainly because like our famous U.S.S. Bainbridge she had a knuckle in the bow area and all those different decks back aft !
Various features make one like or dislike a ship , I am sure . Myself , G , I like them to look and act like ships ! T.B.