I, too, want antoehr venue.
I have been burned, one too many times, by "it's free now, just $$$ later, and cancel at anyy time." To find the cancelation is buried in some help file under an unrealted topic, or there are all sorts of conditions involved, and the like.
And while the promos do show that they did a decent job on uniforms, I'm loath to see what else did not get that level of attention.
The fact that I was recently robbed of time I could have used cleaning sewer watching the Midway remake may be a sticking point here, too.
The dress generally correctly on doctor shows too--but ask a doctor how realistic they are.
Using a Fletcher for a Mahan is a bit like using using a Churchill Mk VII as a French Char B1. Speed, both flank and cruise very different, truning radii different--after gun mounts were open with no houses, torpedo tubes all different, and not a single K gun.
Suspension of disbelief wants plausibile belief. Battle of the Bulge withe Hellcats versus Pattons, was silly, visually, but they tried to depict those portions of the battles as weer within cinematrography.
I'm sore afraid this thing was written by a screenwriter who "knew a guy" who played Wolrd of Warships and based this story on that knowledge.