Bill, Our last Kitty passed away several years back.
I have had cats my whole life. My recollections of parts as play things stems mostly from the 60's. It was fun to watch'em play and it was impossible to stop; Cats are too fast. Back then I built models over a tiled floor. My dad would sweep up the floor and I would go through the dust pan for any plastic.
About 10 years ago we inherited a Lab, compliments of my Youngest daughter who could not keep him at college. So we had a Kitty and a "Puppy". Fortunately Molly(C) and Charlie(D) got along great. Slept together, Played together, Stole food from each other...Great Times.
Our Dog is now 90+lbs. He is mostly very safe with Models but he is also pretty big so when he wags his tail near a table it leaves the same destructive swath as a cat, but all at once.
But I digress...
Gene has done it again. He is fast approaching 90 and still loves the smell of "modeling" in the morning. I give him a few ideas and tips based on plans and official records and he overwhelms my suggestions with ingenuity and perfection.
Gene, Thank You for complimenting me in so many of your Posts. You are a true inspiration.
So, is this your Third Monitor or Fourth? ( Pretty sure it's the Fourth!)
It is a fun ship to build. So many interesting differences between the Battle version, Cruising version, Re-fitted version and AS Sunk. Building it brings out the History of the time. A great way to discover and learn from the past. And, as appropriately stated, (and I quote..) "is an excuse to buy books".(Thanks GM. Best "signature" ever.)
P.S. This latest Post by Gene, of his USS Monitor model, is the Battle Axe 1/144 kit. It is truely a "Craftsman" kit in that most everything needs some attention. It was based on some "early" drawings so there are location issues on some of the deck details. The kit was a Short Run issue too so not many of these OOP kits can be found anymore.
P.S. Anyone planning on building the newest plastic USS Monitor kit, Micro-Mir's 1/144 Monitor, may want to PM or email me as I have some insight on correcting and building it.