I have made a serch and all i' ve found is below. I have found a great number of german u-boats but only a few japanese subs.
-Aoshima IJN i-400 submarine 1:700
-Aoshima IJN submarine I1 16 2 IN 1 1:700
-Skywave IJN i-400 submarine 1:700
-Hasegawa IJN submarine I361 I171 2 IN 1 1:700
-Hasegawa IJN submarine I68 I370 2 IN 1 1:700
-Tamiya japanese submarines I16I58 1:700
-Doyusha 1:300 Japanese Submarine Type I 401 Sentoku. Submerges and surfaces. Motor not included. up to $40 +/-
-Mirage 1:400 Japanese I 506 submarine up to $10 +/-
Keep looking.