I hope A&E does make more in the series. I think Ioan is very good in that role, along with the gent that plays Captain (or maybe it's Admiral now) Pelilew (-sp).
And, while it may be sacrilegious to say, and I do not wish to insult anyone/anything, I much more enjoy the A&E Hornblower then the original books. I found the Hornblower in the books to be just a wee little too introspective and, for lack of a better term, "namby-pamby" about things. And while he ended up getting things done, as they would say now, "What a drama queen!" He needed a little more Capt Aubry in him!
(which series I'm only about a third through, but, finding more enjoyable.)
Really not trying to start a "flame fest" but, smoke 'em if you got 'em.