Hey Don,
Thanks for your reply. I have followed the sanding process with "let the sand paper does the work" approach and still getting swirl marks when polishing. Anyway I can cut down the swirl marks on the body? Or this is impossible to do even by expert? Or I did something wrong in the process?
Thanks again.
Personally, I have found the sanding marks from 600 or finer paper, used wet, fill okay with the next coat of paint.
I don't use anything that coarse, however, if I have already put on the last coat. If there are any flaws in that last coat that I want to try to rescue without repainting, I use super-fine stuff like 2000 or finer, or even a polishing compound.
BTW, the issue of polishing compounds is an interesting one. Some polishing compounds contain wax, and that ruins any possibility of putting on any other finish on top, like a gloss coat or a dullcoat. I only use a polish if I am absolutely sure I will be applying no more finish. Anyone know of a good polish that is absolutely wax (and silicone) free?