I was wondering if you can use Pro Modeller washes over MM acyrlics?
I saw that their washes was water based. Here's the deal, I ordered some AFV Clubs tracks and I found out on here that enamel washes will cause problems on those tracks. The thing is I'll have to use acyrlic paint on the tracks then I would have to use some other wash besides enamel.
I had planed to paint the tank and tracks with MM acrlics then put a coat of Future on the tank so I can put the decals on. I then would use a coat of MM acryl flat clear to cover it all.
If I had to I could paint the tank with MM enamels and use the acrlics on the track but I would still have to come up with a acryl/water wash for the tracks.
Do you think any of this would work or do you have any better ideas?