That is a particulate cartridge and not what you are looking for. You want a chemical cartridge. They will filter out volatile organic compounds(VOCs) and vapors. This type of cartridge will filter out dust and heavy aerosol particulates with a hepa filter but will contain typically activated charcoal or some type of chemical media to remove vapors. Unfortunately these aren't super cheap. The ones I use are $35 each and obviously I need 2 at a time. I'm lucky though I knick them from work.
A tip for using these cartridges. The active charcoal will constantly absorb whether you are wearing it or not so take it off the mask and store it in a zip-lock bag while not in use they will last longer.
To really protect yourself a particulate mask wont work, you're still getting the vapor and I bet if you wore that and sprayed lacquer you can smell it through the mask.