I use Testors newest clear lacquer products, (who knows what they'll be replaced by next week,) they're OK but PRICEY and I don't think worth the $$$. The Polly Scale was good but isn't around any longer. Vallejo seems fine but I have to order it.
Though some have reported displeasure with Micro Scale, no doubt for entirely valid reasons, I have used it for many years with good results. To me it seems really critical to stir completely and ensure just the right amount of thinning, not always easily done straight away, sometimes a bit "fiddly" and requires some adjusting either way. Two things I really like about Micro Scale, I have never seen a reaction with any paint medium and never any reaction to any decals. Age yellowing has so far not been a problem, some of the models are decades old, but not exposed to sun, maybe that has helped.
I'll order some Alclad, never tried it but it sounds promising. Thanks for the tip.