I didn't understand the question at first.
But, then I remembered reading an older thread about this.
That warning not to use with flammable materials is on there for insurance purposes, it is only there to attempt to lessen the liability if we make some mistake with their spray booth and cause a fire.
It is as useful as having a warning on a car's brake pedal that says "stepping on this pedal may cause a following car to hit the rear bumper"
There is a perfectly valid way to build a spray booth, even if you use a fan with brushes,,,,,,,,use a squirrel cage fan as found on a car's heater system. Squirrel cage fans have the motor outside of the air path. Just get a fan from a 1970's or 1980's Ford or Chevy and mount that to your box, and then either plug that into a converter or use the 12 volt system it was designed for. (substitute car makes in other countries)
I wonder how many sales the companies have lost because of that warning?