Generally speaking...yes, there is two...with all sorts of variations of those two!
Testors makes a nice chromate yellow. I've only found it in the small square bottles(enamel). I have yet to find an "interior green" that looks good. I mix my own, with Olive Drab and chromate yellow....looks way better than the cartoon green they try to pass off as interior green.
As far as which is correct...well...both! Although, I can't recall seeing a cockpit done in the yellow...which is common for other interior areas...gear bays, gun bays, etc. You can have both on the same aircraft as well.
There's also another green...."bronze green" that was common in the B-17 and P-47, to name a couple. It is darker...Model Master "Medium Green" is pretty close for that.
Basically, check your refs to get the right color!