Ahoy Mr. ctruss53.
The Badger Patriot 105 has a .76 mm tip available. The Badger part number is 41-046, it's the one with the silver ball on the end. Badger's part number for the .51 mm tip is 41-045, blue ball on the end; and the part number for the .30 mm tip is 41-044, black ball on the end. If you Google the part number followed by "badger", you'll find multiple sources for these items.
If you want to do some serious blasting, the Paasche H (an external mix airbrush) has a .64 mm #3 tip and a 1.07 mm #5 tip.
Paasche's old classic airbrush, the VL (internal mix) has three tips available, #1 is .55 mm; #3 is .74 mm; and #5 is 1.05 mm.