I do have moisture filter in my compressor, Thayer & Chandler Air Star V.
I would like to share a story about my SOTAR and AirStar.
I went to East coast hobby show in 2003 to help promote 1/16 RC battle tanks.
On the way out, I saw an airbrush booth. I only had Tamiya SprayWork then. I stoped and wanted to see what was good for me. The gentleman started to tell me defferent kind of air brush. He told it is all depending on what I use airbrush for.
I opened my carrying case and showed him my two RC tank,
He looked amazed and told me those were the best big tanks he ever saw.
He told me I should send some pictures to Mr. Tamiya and told me he would sell SOTAR to me for $100 and SOTAR and AirStar for $100 and all fast switch coupling and hose for free. But I have to send him some pictures.
I thought he was trying to sell me something, I told him I did not have enough money and had to come back next day if I wanted it. I asked him for a name card. IT WAS PRESIDENT OF BADGER AIRBRUSH, MR. KEN.
I got home and did some research this package was $700 value, I would only pay $200.
I went to his booth next day, he told me he was sorry because he sold the airbrush at full price for $400. he told me do not worry. He would send me one after he went back to office. also he cut another $40.
A week later, Brand new SOTAR and Thayer & Chandler Air Star.
I send him some pictures and told him SOTAR is not really good for 1/16. It took so long to spray the whole tank, then brand new 150 came to my door and full line of paint.
In the hobby show, he told me the meaning of "SOTAR". anybody knows?