This is a sort of Zombie solution.
Brett Green on Hyperscale had an article about the perfect thinner for Polly Scale paints. He used Polly Scale clear for his thinner. So, I got a bunch of Aeromaster clears a few days ago,,,,and if I mix 2 parts MM paint to 1 part Aeromaster clear,,,,I get a paint that is very near to Polly Scale Acrylic in performance.
If you have a HobbyTown near you, you might be able to get some of the last bottles of Polly Scale clears to help make your MM Acrylics behave more like PS does.
Or just use a good quality primer under it, like the Vallejo PolyUrethane or Alclad II stuff, then thin with Testors' thinner, with an Extender/Slow Dry in the cup/jar.
I use my MM right alongside the PS and Aeromaster paints, using the same methods,,,,,,and it works.