an artists eye will help you when painting, not so much the technique but the visualizing of the over all project as you move along.
It's not that hard to learn, once you learn the feel for how much paint your brush can put out and what air pressure is comfortable for you to spray at. My suggestion would be get an old milk jug and practice on that a little bit. Try to make the finest lines possible and try to cover a larger area with an even coat (not causing drips in one area and the jug showing through in others) then move on to an old junk or inexpensive model. Just try doing a simple color scheme and get it as even as possible. (a nice solid color like OD Green or Navy Blue/Grey, white, yellow and silver are more difficult to master so best left for when you learn how to handle it)
I do fairly good with the airbrush now, although I am no master by any means, and I learn something new every time I use it! I saw go for it... it's something I think almost everyone can learn, there is no magic to it (for most people, a few can do magic with the thing!!!) just practice!!!