I'm looking to buy a paint booth (unless I were to see some great plans) . I've been reading the forum, reading peoples' web sites, etc. for information. Obviously, if money were no option ;-D I'd have a manufacturer custome build me one! So I am looking for something I won't regret spending the $$ on.
I've seen recommendations for Paasche, Artograph's 1530, Pace Industries Peace Keeper (by PACE Enterprises). I've also seen recommendations for a "downdraft" style (like Artographs) vs. an "updraft" or "rear" exhaust. What is the benefit/drawback to each??
I am looking to hear a number of ideas from people as far as what they've used (that's still on the market, of course), what they're currently using, or what they're looking for in a new booth.
What do you like/don't like what you're using now?