Hey guys I'm new to this very informative forum.
I just bought myself my first airbrush. the badger 150.
Ok so i tried it out and it wouldn't work... So i decided to dismantle it. thinking that maybe the needle was stuck coz of shipping or something. as i was looking at the manual making sure that notihing was missing. i noticed i couldn't find this part ( 50-046 teflon needle bearing)... is this supposed to fall out when i remove the front end of the airbrush or is it hidden inside the main body?
Ok so i tried reassembling it again and on the second attempt my airbrush just decided to work... seems to be working fine now but that was just the first session
My question is do i have to go back to the store and look for that mentioned part or is it in the body of the airbrush where new guys like me can't get at?
(damn time to build a airbrsh booth... i dont like this headache...)