Panel lines! Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!
As you might surmise, I have yet to figure out how to glue, fill seams, sinkholes, and defects with putty, and then sand and prepare models for painting without damaging or completely removing some panel lines. I agree with the view that panel lines shouldn't be too obvious, but having them at least slightly visible certainly leads to a sense of realism. So, I've tried with little success to deepen lines that are too shallow and to create entirely scribe new ones when the originals have literally turned to styrene dust.
I bought a thin metal artist's template, but the darned thing won't conform to curves worth a darn. And the first time I used an expensive scribing tool, it broke. I've tried laying down strips of Tamiya masking tape as a guide, but it's too soft and doesn't really "guide" at all. I remembered the thick Dymo labelling tape I used to use, so I bought some of that, only to discover that it's now very thin labelling tape that is little better than masking tape, at least for scribing lines.
Suggestions? Today I found this scribing template, but it seems to be pretty much like the relatively useless metal template I already have. If you can offer any tips or ideas for useful tools/supplies I would be most appreciative.