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No, more local...
Looks like it's starting again. Guess the power outage is over.
The rug shampoo machine is not in its closet. And the extension cord has gone missing...
“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”
Performance is much improved over the past couple of days, back to normal, pretty much. Pages loading in seconds.
The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.
Spoke too soon. The delays are back again today. On login, navigating via the index, replying. Again, refreshing the page is a workaround, but it might take several tries.
the BaronSpoke too soon. The delays are back again today. On login, navigating via the index, replying. Again, refreshing the page is a workaround, but it might take several tries.
Ditto. Took two timeouts and three tries to get on the forum this afternoon.
Yeah, persists today. I can see why some forum members just give up trying. If you have limited time to visit, it's hard to wait.
504 Gateway Time-out5/19/24Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!Either the site is offline or an unhandled error occurred. We apologize and have logged the error. Please try your request again or if you know who your site administrator is let them know too.
It was better over the past few days, since Friday, but it's worse again today.
Maybe with the acquisition, the new company might decide to find another host, since this one can't seem to resolve this.
Also, I think others mentioned this in other threads about the server/traffic issue, but it seems that new posts are down. I wonder if many forum members are so frustrated that they don't try to access the forum now.
And understood that it's not the FSM staff's fault, but the host's issue. You guys can't really do anything about that.
OK. Going into the third month of guessing whether or not I'll be able to logon. Really guys, I've lost interest. Been a member since 2017. I'm taking this forum off of my list of go-to model websites. I have a least four sites that I visit regularly and NONE of them fight me about being able to log in.
Adios Amigos
StrongeagleOK. Going into the third month of guessing whether or not....
Since I've been here sooooo long, I'm trying to be patient.
The past 24 hours here on the forum has been the best in the last almost 3 months so I'll hang on for a while to see if it's still worth my time..... I'm not getting any younger FAST.
I might even post a build if this bug clears up.
It will continue until the denial of service attacks end.
Someone really hates this site.
Friday, June 7, 2024. Everything works perfect.
Saturday, June 8, 2024. Nothing works at all.
One day it works and the next day.
who knows.
Now, it's dragging again.
This is an example of why the forums are heading for a fall.
I took a back door approach just to see if "this" entry works at all.
Now........ let's give it another try...... click
GAF Someone really hates this site. Gary
I wonder why.
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