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TYPOS - OR , Bad Editing ?

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  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Monday, April 4, 2016 12:48 PM

Shoot !

 You don't need no durned digree ! I got one, and it and 2.50 Won't get me a Mocha at Starbucks ! Yeah, I have one , But even though I taught english and spelling and all that stuff , I never could get that punchy stuff ( Punctuation ? ) down right .Never ever !

 Yet , I did well at tech manuals and such .  T.B.     P.S.    I guess after I retired I just got where I write like I speak .I don't worry about where I put the comma !!

  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:59 PM

Spesh if we were watch bunkies and I hadn't cleaned the 'pits in a week.

I went aboard the Balao in SF on a try by their foundation to get me to give them money.

"Breakfast on the Pampanito".

12 men at a table the size of an ironing board, and that was the officer's wardroom!

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
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  • From: Northern Virginia
Posted by ygmodeler4 on Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:16 PM


That's very well put, Josiah. Your writing is impressive, I'm envious.

There's a funny blurb in the current Squadron catalogue, under the description of the Revell 1/144 Gato.


Something on the order of "The large Gato had interiors that were luxurious for the time". I can't say I had ever heard THAT before.

Thanks, I'm not where I want to be, but your comment is encouraging.

In 2007, when my family revisited Pearl Harbor, I went inside the Gato that is kept at Pearl Harbor. I was a skinny 6'8" kid back then and I wholeheartedly agree with you! I would hate to see a cramped interior of the time. Indifferent


  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:27 PM

That's very well put, Josiah. Your writing is impressive, I'm envious.

There's a funny blurb in the current Squadron catalogue, under the description of the Revell 1/144 Gato.


Something on the order of "The large Gato had interiors that were luxurious for the time". I can't say I had ever heard THAT before.

 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
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  • From: Northern Virginia
Posted by ygmodeler4 on Thursday, March 31, 2016 7:22 PM

I have tried to write the best I can on the forums. Since my last two years of college (when I switched majors where most of my classes were Political Science or History classes) I had many professors emphasize the importance of writing. One graded more on content and let most grammatical errors go (as long as the paper wasn't riddled with them). One of them was the typical grammarphile. One was a reference style monster, penalizing you if the period wasn't in the right spot in a bibliography, or the page numbers were in the lower left corner instead of the right.

But there were two professors who engaged me enough to make me WANT to excel in writing. So JT, thank you, although I did not attend your university or be taught by you, by your posts, passion, and knowledge it is easy to figure out that you're one of those professors to some students.

While, in my opinion, communication on forums is informal and needs to be well enough just to get the point across--I find practicing here keeps my thinking and writing skills from becoming dull. The same goes with drives me nuts the way people write emails at work. When I write emails I will proofread them one or two times, striving for proper spelling and grammar.

Squadron catalogs remind me of classified posts in newspapers; space is critical when listing a product. As I said before, I view the forums as a form of informal communication. I've met many people who cannot even read or write (they're all older, so no, common core has nothing to do with it), so typos or less than stellar grammar doesn't bother me too much on here. Nevertheless, I usually proofread when I post--except when I'm on my phone, sorry, not worrying about apostrophes then JT! ;)


  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Friday, March 25, 2016 9:25 AM

Tanker - Builder


Youse zound lyke me boy .He's juss a mess wid dem woids . T.B.


Lol, I've had people from up North tell me I talk funny too... Stick out tongue

So far no one's ever told me I talk too fast though... 

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    May 2014
Posted by SubarooMike on Friday, March 25, 2016 8:53 AM

Tanker - Builder


 Mike , do they make a "Turbo" version of spell and punctuation check ? I know I need one !  T.B.



If they did I would be be their best customer!!

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 25, 2016 7:54 AM

Hi, Proff;

 I could write a whole post about those who finally talk about their battle experience . My step - grandpa always told me when I wore the uniform, he  "Might" tell me.When he did ,I had two whole days of the hair on my backbone standing straight up .

    Yup ! He was one of the very mentally challenged after Chosin Resevoir in Korea ! Turns out his buddie's remains kept him warm .I know I would have nightmares about that too!

     When I came home from Boot - Camp , he sat me down and told me all .Grandma said that was the first time he had told anyone the whole story .Gees , I wish I had thought to tape it ! I do know it was two days of heart-wrenching horror to re-live .He did it though tears and all ( that's the first time I ever saw him cry ). Grandma said afterwards he was kinder and gentler as a person and husband. I guess the timing was right .They had fourteen happy more years together, laughing like I never heard in that house before ! So there , see ! These memories and stories are important.

    I always tried to get my model building vets to tell me their stories ,with a ringer(Shrink) in the group .I know that wasn't right ,but , it helped them return to civilian life . Who'd a Thunk ? A model building teacher as an outlet for mental stress and fear ?

     I felt a bond like you wouldn't believe. Then Of course I told my story of returning and what transpired after. It definitely seemed to weld us into a "Band of Brothers" ( Women included)    T.B.

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 25, 2016 7:35 AM


Youse zound lyke me boy .He's juss a mess wid dem woids . T.B.

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 25, 2016 7:32 AM


 Mike , do they make a "Turbo" version of spell and punctuation check ? I know I need one !  T.B.

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 25, 2016 7:30 AM

I second that ! T.B.

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 25, 2016 7:28 AM

Re;RedMeat ;

   Yup , and quite unintentional too ! As you know , I am an opinionated old Phogy . So , I surmised , let's have some fun . No really " G " I have had foreign visitors to our Museum laugh at the way Americans write and speak .One said ,and I quote, " You  Americans , You always talk too fast , and change spelling to suit you ".

    I enjoy word games a lot. Crosswords etc. so ,Yes , I cringe when I see the way we speak or write, murdered or otherwise maimed . As I explained yesterday the whole thing actually comes down to laziness. At least if I didn't say it, the intention was there.

    Have you noticed in your years around, how some words have subtly changed spelling or just dropped letters?

   Texting is it's own worst enemy .I actually know folks so wrapped up in that , when you speak to them they look at you like you are from Mars. Anyway, if you have a question about something I wrote , just blurt out " what the heck did you mean by that"? " I'll take the time to clarify the point .

 I value all my forum friends and strive ,for the most part, Not to be obnoxous.  T.B.      P.S Yes, I am pretty much the perpatetic proffessional ( retired ) that shows in print .

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Friday, March 25, 2016 7:12 AM

I do apologise, Proff ;

   The thread I read was the one about mis-identification by our Media .  T.B.

  • Member since
    May 2014
Posted by SubarooMike on Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:21 PM


  • Member since
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  • From: providence ,r.i.
Posted by templar1099 on Thursday, March 24, 2016 5:43 PM

Group hug.

"le plaisir delicieux et toujours nouveau d'une occupation inutile"

  • Member since
    September 2012
Posted by GMorrison on Thursday, March 24, 2016 4:50 PM

Tanker - Builder

Ooops !

  Well, it seems I started something here.Didn't mean to. When I said I read the thread I was thinking and not looking at what I wrote and didn't get it even on edit or re-read . G.M. I am sorry you find my threads unreadable .Is there some other point you wish to make ?

Since you ask, yes but also I'd like to clarify something. I don't care if your threads are "pretty much unreadable", is what I said. That's your business- I have no problem with it. In fact I like it, as I like your conversations, because it says a lot about you and may be how you sound.

What I was trying to point out was that it seemed "weird" to me that you were calling out bad spelling and grammar from others, when your own is pretty unique. Just that, nothing personal and certainly I'm not advocating any stricter standards here.

I don't care much for the fact that you think people laugh at America, but that is your opinion.

I wouldn't even have commented, except that the following number of posts then started to crit lazy students, and Common Core (politics).

Your original post, in my opinion, is one of the ones that tosses out red meat and then waits for the action.


 Modeling is an excuse to buy books.


  • Member since
    March 2013
Posted by patrick206 on Thursday, March 24, 2016 4:21 PM


Patrick206, your comments are on target. I wouldn't be a part of any forum that rejected posts because of grammatical or mechanical errors.

I feel obliged to note, though, that you've shot yourself in the foot. This certified Olde Phogey read your post pretty carefully and couldn't find a single mistake in it. I'd go so far as to call it the best-written post in this thread so far (certainly better than mine).

I hope most of us can agree with Don Stauffer: well-written posts are easier to read, and proofreading is a courtesy to the reader. But I'm sure Don will agree that grammar isn't the most important thing in a Forum post.



Thanks for the compliment, nice to read that. For the most part I can write and speak OK, but sometimes the words I want to use just cannot be found, then I fumble and mistakes get compounded.

Once in a while if I struggle, a two or three minute step back will get it sorted. More than anything, if I allow frustration to set in it will just make the problem get worse. Thankfully Karon, (wife/editor,) is always there to bail me out.

Again, thanks and best to all here at FSM, I enjoy it every day.


  • Member since
    May 2014
Posted by SubarooMike on Thursday, March 24, 2016 1:25 PM

 I have been asking about spell check since the change. I finally quit saying anything because no one answered me or apparently gave a cr$%. Now I use Word and copy/paste into the post window. Even then Word will miss things as well as I.
 I'm an idiot with a High School education and some college only. I couldn’t afford or had the time to become one of the privileged with a degree.


I inquired about spell check the other day and this is what Aaron had to say:



We at FSM DO care and have been doing our best to address member concerns since the redesign went live last year. Spellcheck is something we'd all like to have back, but there are several hurdles with the updated software the Fourm runs on that we have not been able to overcome as yet. I appreciate your patience.

Cheers, Aaron"


I hope we get it back soon!

  • Member since
    June 2014
  • From: New Braunfels , Texas
Posted by Tanker - Builder on Thursday, March 24, 2016 12:26 PM

Ooops !

  Well, it seems I started something here.Didn't mean to. When I said I read the thread I was thinking and not looking at what I wrote and didn't get it even on edit or re-read . G.M. I am sorry you find my threads unreadable .Is there some other point you wish to make ?

   I do the best I can as well. Now the post was intended to be a critique of the magazine and sales brochure media. It was NOT intended to criticise anyone here. Because of age and other stuff I probably don't use perfect grammar or punctuation .Guess what ? My 88 year old grandfather didn't either!

      Yes , I am in my early seventies and believe it or not , I was a tutor (licensed) of language and spelling for over ten years . I haven't gotten any complaints from those folks either! I use weird spacing so I know when I reach the end of a sentence .I don't normally see the period , comma or other small punctuation .I just can't see them tucked next to the words . So I bent the rules .

    Speaking of bent rules. I don't believe I would find fault with the posters in public .I wasn't brought up that way . I would take someone aside and just be honest ." Hey " you write so weird I don't understand what you are getting at.That's why we have a message section .

   Until then be advised , I have very thick skin and most comments don't bother me too much .If they do, I just don't let it worry me , unless it's a real big problem

     There you have it .Thanks for reading the thread though , even you G.M.  T.B.

  • Member since
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  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:58 AM

Don Stauffer

Typos are easy to catch- read your message after you type it, but before you hit the "submit your reply" button.  Grammar errors are harder to catch. 

When I type messages to the FSM forum there is a spelling checker, but I don't know where it is based. Is it in my web browser (Firefox) or is it a feature of the forum software?





feature of the forum software.  We used to have it -- now we don't.   Aaron Skinner assured me they are working on bringing it back. 


I think the same folks are working on JSF software WinkWhistling


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
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  • From: Bethlehem PA
Posted by the Baron on Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:31 AM

Don Stauffer

Typos are easy to catch- read your message after you type it, but before you hit the "submit your reply" button.  Grammar errors are harder to catch. 

When I type messages to the FSM forum there is a spelling checker, but I don't know where it is based. Is it in my web browser (Firefox) or is it a feature of the forum software?

Not only read your text before posting, but read it backwards.  That was a tip one of my English teachers gave me in high school.  It works--it forces you to look more closely at each word, and catch things that you still might overlook, reading left-to-right, and which your brain thinks are correct but aren't.  It's easy to fool the eye, if it expects to see something.


The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.



  • Member since
    July 2014
Posted by modelcrazy on Thursday, March 24, 2016 10:02 AM
 I have been asking about spell check since the change. I finally quit saying anything because no one answered me or apparently gave a cr$%. Now I use Word and copy/paste into the post window. Even then Word will miss things as well as I.
 I'm an idiot with a High School education and some college only. I couldn’t afford or had the time to become one of the privileged with a degree.


Building a kit from your stash is like cutting a head off a Hydra, two more take it's place.

  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:51 AM

Oh merciful God, Aaron or anyone else from the magazine reading this- PLEASE BRING BACK THE SPELL CHECK!!! 

I kan't speel worh a darrn! 

PS: And don't expect good grammer from me, I was a science major Dunce

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    May 2014
Posted by SubarooMike on Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:31 AM

Don Stauffer

Typos are easy to catch- read your message after you type it, but before you hit the "submit your reply" button.  Grammar errors are harder to catch. 

When I type messages to the FSM forum there is a spelling checker, but I don't know where it is based. Is it in my web browser (Firefox) or is it a feature of the forum software?



feature of the forum software.  We used to have it -- now we don't.   Aaron Skinner assured me they are working on bringing it back. 

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: Twin Cities of Minnesota
Posted by Don Stauffer on Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:23 AM

Typos are easy to catch- read your message after you type it, but before you hit the "submit your reply" button.  Grammar errors are harder to catch. 

When I type messages to the FSM forum there is a spelling checker, but I don't know where it is based. Is it in my web browser (Firefox) or is it a feature of the forum software?

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

  • Member since
    August 2014
  • From: Willamette Valley, Oregon
Posted by goldhammer on Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:07 AM


oh i might as well drop a few lines here. 

Arthur Haley AIRPORT, the airport manager's secretary had a maintenance guy file all the caps of her typewriter keys. it's become a schtick for me in non formal correspondence. probably annoys some folks but i suspect e. e. cummings did too.

i do try to use correct spelling and correct punctuation but i also fat finger type. i am a bit of a stickler for its/it's, your/you're and the like but i overlook the spelled hte and similar miss typos. i also remember some folks here have english as a second lanquage, like those guys from great britain Big Smile, and i know i have enough trouble with english as a first language.

so, as has been previously stated, it's not a big deal for me anymore when the correspondence is informal. OTOH, on an essay or paper turned in for a class or any formal correspondence, i am much less forgiving.




Now awaiting Bish, and proper Queen's English.  LOL


I try to get to the point quickly, and keep on track.  Sometimes the fingers get faster than the brain and hit keys out of order, and I miss it and have to go back and edit/correct.


As to getting down the history of our vets, and other countries as well, the time is almost past for WWII and Korea.  Now our veterans home here is getting in the Vietnam vets.  These will be stories lost for all time, and GM is right, you have to let them tell what they want.

  • Member since
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  • From: Denver, Colorado
Posted by waynec on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 9:02 PM

oh i might as well drop a few lines here. 

Arthur Haley AIRPORT, the airport manager's secretary had a maintenance guy file all the caps of her typewriter keys. it's become a schtick for me in non formal correspondence. probably annoys some folks but i suspect e. e. cummings did too.

i do try to use correct spelling and correct punctuation but i also fat finger type. i am a bit of a stickler for its/it's, your/you're and the like but i overlook the spelled hte and similar miss typos. i also remember some folks here have english as a second lanquage, like those guys from great britain Big Smile, and i know i have enough trouble with english as a first language.

so, as has been previously stated, it's not a big deal for me anymore when the correspondence is informal. OTOH, on an essay or paper turned in for a class or any formal correspondence, i am much less forgiving.


Никто не Забыт    (No one is Forgotten)
Ничто не Забыто  (Nothing is Forgotten)


  • Member since
    May 2014
Posted by SubarooMike on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 7:50 PM

I see no reason, on a forum, to be a grammar-nazi.  As long as you can:

-- Use the full word (don't shorten it)

-- Use a comma

-- Break long post into a few paragraphs 

You're good with meYes

     It's no use making fun of somone who is not great gramatically; it's in poor taste.  Despite ones education, or lack of, were not all good at everything. 

  • Member since
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  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 7:28 PM

John, what an excellent assignment that you task your students with. It serves to the greater good in more ways than one. These are memories that should be preserved for sure, and it is a shame that so many stories have never been heard. I am sure that your father had interesting ones to tell and I would sure love to hear about them.

I am humbled by your enthusiasm to my query. As fate would have it I have plans to see him this weekend. I say fate because I have not seen him in almost a year, and then this comes up. All thanks to TB. [:) If this project moves forward I think that you guys will find it interesting, and maybe even entertaining at times.



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