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Query about Vallejo Metallics

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  • Member since
    October 2013
Query about Vallejo Metallics
Posted by Slammer88 on Friday, May 16, 2014 2:56 PM

Hey there. I'm using Vallejo Model and Air Color's for both brushing and AB. 

But when it comes to metallics, i just couldn't get any decent coating result from the Model Master ones (70864 Nat. Steel, 70996 Gold and 70997 Silver are the ones i've got). I just can't thin them properly to be able to use both with Brush and AB; tap/distilled water, their AB and brush thinners, windex, even alcohol in different ratios; No luck! ( Apart from the one i'll mention below, this one is an other issue that i'm still looking for a solution )

So, for this reason, i've bought some Model Air metallic colors; Gold, Chrome, Silver and Aluminium. They are all just perfect with AB and Brushing. BUT -a big one- , Gold is fairly darker than this M.Color brother, and Chrome-Silver-Aluminium triplet has the very same color! 

First i thought it might be because of the pigment sedimentation, but even after well-shaken and rolling, the color, the tonality was same.

And i decided to match their colors with the Model Color ones -as much as possible- . I'll leave Chrome alone, as i'm totally glad with its color, but i.e; compared to M.Color one, M.Air Silver is fairly dark, and needs to be whiten, i guess (or maybe not; that's why i opened this post :)) To my opinion, Silver needs to be a little more white-ish, and the Aluminium a little more black-ish (and Matte), compared to their current color now..

Below, you can find the mentioned "brother" colors :)

So, as conclusion;

1- Does anyone use Vallejo M.Color Metallic's ? If so, what's the best way to apply them with brush and/or AB ?

2- Does anyone have the Model Air colors i've mentioned above ? If so, do you agree with the color similarity between them ? 

3- What can i do to change their tonality "a little" ?  Are Chrome, Aluminium and Silver elements have the very same color in real world ?

  • Member since
    January 2013
Posted by BlackSheepTwoOneFour on Friday, May 16, 2014 5:04 PM

I can tell you chrome will not look mirror-like just as in the real world. Generally, I don't use metallic paints as you're talking about. What kit are you using the metallic paint for?

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by Slammer88 on Friday, May 16, 2014 5:28 PM

I know its not mirror-like; but at the moment i can't find any alclad in my location -especially Chrome-.

I'm actually a 1/72 Heli guy, but currently i'm on a 1/24 Tamiya Yamaga Virago V1000

  • Member since
    July 2012
Posted by G-J on Friday, May 16, 2014 9:05 PM

I'm strictly a brush painter...but I use the Model Air metallics for brush painting.

When I painted Games Workshops figures...I used to use Citadel metallics, and I always though the paints were to "thick," if that's the right word.  When I got back into models, I decided to try the Model Air metallics, and I've liked the finish enough not to use Model Color.

On the bench:  Tamyia Mosquito Mk. VI for the '44 group build.  Yes, still.

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  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by Slammer88 on Saturday, May 17, 2014 2:38 AM

Ok, so, do you have the three colors that i mentioned ?

  • Member since
    October 2013
Posted by Slammer88 on Saturday, May 17, 2014 3:39 PM

I guess, no one gives a chance to Vallejo anymore -_-

  • Member since
    November 2008
  • From: Central Florida
Posted by plasticjunkie on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 8:17 AM

Can't you order Alclad Chrome? This product is fantastic.




Too many models to build, not enough time in a lifetime!!

  • Member since
    August 2008
Posted by tankerbuilder on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 9:07 AM

I have recently become the possessor of the colors you mention . What  I always do is take a color wheel ( metallic tones ) and try to match that . Aluminum is a light greyish white with the metallic overtones of course . Steel is a muddier color toned with earth and black .Chrome , well , that's one I usually pass on .There are many shades you can develop using browns , black and white as the toners .Yes , you can use dark cobalt blue too . Just decide which tone you need or like and mix accordingly . By my last count there are approximately Forty different shades of metallic not counting Brass , Gold and Chrome .

     Gold should for the most part have a sheen . It doesn't corrode like other metals  .Brass turns green then a deep bluish green as it corrodes  .Chrome now , is a weird one .You can see the actual difference in the sunlight between Nickel Chrome and Chrome . Nickel Chrome has ( when new ) a darker slightly polished steel color .Whereas Chrome goes to the silver side of the bright spectrum .

 I hope this didn't confuse you .The comments come from over sixty years of mixing  matching and " Oh Drat " events . You have good paints .Don't ever think you've done it wrong till , it looks wrong to you .

  • Member since
    January 2007
  • From: Narvon, Pa.
Posted by fox on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:03 PM

I use Vallejo Model Air paints quite a bit. One thing that I've found is that the cured color will look a little different if you use different primer colors. I am using the aluminum 71.062 for a NMF P-47 I'm working on. I used Dupli-Color Sandable grey primer for the entire fuselage then instead of trying to use different shades of Aluminum for some panels, I masked out some panels and prayed them with Vallejo Model Air light grey primer. Then I sprayed the entire fuselage with the Aluminum. The result is a subtle difference in the shades between the basic fuselage and the panels I sprayed with the Vallejo primer. I had tried this first on an old car body that I use to experiment on. This also works with MM Metalizer paint.

Hope that this helps.

Jim Captain

 Main WIP: 

   On the Bench: Artesania Latina  (aka) Artists in the Latrine 1/75 Bluenose II

I keep hitting "escape", but I'm still here.


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