Thanks guys!
SP: Yeah, he did ask his wife to donate them to the club. I don't have a will but I'm going to have to make sure my stash ends up donated as well. (Somehow I don't think even with the time in retirement I'll get all of mine finished).
Steve: Yeap, I really did want the Sally, one Japanese aircraft I didn't have before. Terry was a huge Francophile though so I'm going to try to get one of the French bombers built.
He's still influencing me today, I had no idea what these French bombers were so I looked them up and got a history lesson. Then I had to look up the colours:
Kaki- pretty obvious
Brun Fonce- dark brown
Gris Fonce- dark grey
Gris Bleu Clair- light blue-grey
Chamois- light leather/tan colour
So I learned some French and even found a neat site with audio recordings on how to pronounce the words correctly. I think Terry is up there smiling down on me.