I voted for Testors Military Line , mainly due to the color choices but also due to the fact that I used to use Floquil (Rail Road Colors)and got spoiled by the way laqures and enamels cover and adhere. Check out their "Mud' for Dunkel Gelb or "S.P. Dark Lark Gery" for Dunkel Grau.
I'm not too concerned about the (Personal) health hazzards associated with L's and E' 'cause I live in Arizona and can spary out side year 'round, thus getting more than "adquate ventilation". However, there are the overall environmental effects. Balance is the key.
For weathering and washes I generally swipe my wife's oils and acrylics and pastels (Utrecht Artists Supply being my source).
Believe it or don't I still have a one ounce bottle of Pactra 'Namel ("Artillery Olive") that is over THIRTY years old and it still works great! I only use it for Afrika Korps Uniforms and the occasional faded OD pack or tarp.
I'll stay with Testors and Floquil. Acrylics have their place, but currently not in my tank park.
Thanks for doing the poll!