Ok, as I understand its time for me to go look for that 1/48 F-18C kit!
Just a hint, and/or clarification ( not disagreement )... someone mentioned no decal setting solution, and I thought, o yeah, I would have grabbed for that without thinking about it. Now I am thinking, I guess this means no spru cutters also.
My point or hint is, get everything off your workbench except the allowable items or before we know it we will have all built like with whatever our normal routine is, sit back, slap our forheads and say, Oh no! I disqualified myself! ! :)
I'm trying to make this funny if it sounds extreme, except I am partly serious. I know I will need to get all items not on the tool list deliberately out of the way. ( not that this modeler uses much more than the list anyway at this point) But then I have one of those two signs of old age, forgetfulness and...and...what was the other...
O yes, a Ferrari in March sounds good to me.