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UH-1B/C needed.

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  • Member since
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Posted by Boomerang on Sunday, April 12, 2009 11:17 PM

   Geez, i started this thread a long time ago. I thought it got lost in the passing of time!

   Thanks for all the input here fellas. I see there has been much info exchange going on and i haven't been around to watch...Sigh [sigh]

    My Huey project was shelved a while back. I will have to drag it back out.

    Taipan.... great website mate! I still haven't been through it all, but lots of goodies in there. Thanks for sharing. Taipan?......the RAN Helicopter Disply Team are called the Taipans. I am guessing this where they may have got there name? They fly Squirrels are are pretty damn good at it too!!


  • Member since
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Posted by taipan on Monday, April 6, 2009 4:17 PM

G'Day I did fly with the RANHFV  in vietnam

there we flew the US Army   UH1C/M and the UH1H

back at nowra we just has UH1B

 I do have some old photos from the vietnam era when i flew on UH1C helo gunships 

i logged many hours with the flight.

the website that might help is ours from vietnam


crewchief helicopter gunship 69/70

  • Member since
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  • From: Australia
Posted by neilsmadabtchoppers on Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:58 AM

Hi everyone

Heres a 2 links you might like - theres a history and story about virtually every aussie huey owned by the ADF.

One link is for the home page and the other is for N9-882, enjoy.



Neil - Queensland Australia


  • Member since
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  • From: Melbourne, Ausralia
Posted by Grubbman on Saturday, January 12, 2008 7:06 PM

 Here's a whole thread I was involved in over at AMI. This has some very pertinent first-hand info!



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RAN UH1Cs Wide chord blades or not?

August 6 2007 at 7:24 PM
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Bruce A  (no login)
from IP address

Halfway through my Monogram Huey and am stuck on what blades to use. I know the C used the wider chord blades due to the uprated engine but can find no pics of any with blades at rest. I know we only had four. Dave Edwards kindly sent me some pics but they are all B models with narrow blades, well I think they are B models. The C model had a wider chord fin and stabilisers but cannot tell any difference from pics either

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John Ellis"); // --> John Ellis John Ellis
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Re: RAN UH1Cs Wide chord blades or not?

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August 6 2007, 8:09 PM 

The only UH-1C features on our hueys was the extended fuel tank on the left hand side. The filler cap was also moved from the right to the left side. During the 80s, 894 and 898 were the only ones featuring this.

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Rod Cairns
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August 6 2007, 8:10 PM 

G'day Bruce,

I gather you're building the 1:48 kit? If so, the main rotor and hub are no good. The RAN Iroquois were, for all intensive purposes, UH-1Bs with some C model features. NO broad chord fins and narrow chord synch elevators.

You will need a 'standard' head with 21" chord (narrow) blades. The 1:48 Monogram kit has a '540' head with a completely different hub and wide blades. I suggest robbing the head from a D/H Model kit and shortening the blades by two scale feet. You'll need to replace the trim tabs as a result.

If you're building the 1:24 kit, the main rotor is good to go, you just need to add the missing chinese weights to the inboard drag brace attachment points.

Not all of the aircraft had the left side refuel point, check your references carefully.

Hope this helps. Ryan H is advertising B Model conversions in the Marketplace DG.


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John Ellis"); // --> John Ellis John Ellis
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August 6 2007, 8:46 PM 

I probably wasn't very clear. N9-3102/894 AND N9-3104/898 were the only ones i worked on that had the left hand filler cap and extended tank.The 5 hueys that were on HC723 in the 80s;
N9-882/897 RH cap and intake scoop
N9-3101/893 RH cap and intake filter
N9-3102/894 LH cap and intake scoop
N9-3103/895 RH cap and intake scoop
N9-3104/898 LH cap and intake filter

The intake i am referring to is the engine jet intake.
895 and 897 also carried drop tanks.
All the aircraft sat in different attitudes on the ground due to their differing weights. This varied with the age of the skid cross tubes. The older the tubes, the more tail down the aircraft sat.

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Rod Cairns
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On the skids...

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August 6 2007, 9:14 PM 

G'day John,

There was an urban myth at 5SQN that you guys had H Model front cross tubes on some of your skids to make them more ship friendly.

Our Bravos were often the opposite with a distinct nose down stance courtesy of all the autos and running landings onto the lanes at Fairbairn. Also, semi regular C130 transport for the SAR birds meant we were a bit tighter on skid spread limits. 102" max from memory...

Got to see the Museum's Bravo wockering around last time I was at Albatross. Looks and sounds great!


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John Ellis"); // --> John Ellis John Ellis
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Re: On the skids...

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August 6 2007, 9:21 PM 

Would have been nice to have them. In the end we were scrounging anything we could get. We used to have a lot of fun with the guys from 5 sqn. They used to think we would strip their hueys if they left them too long on our pads

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the other Ray
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aaaah, those were the days!!!

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August 6 2007, 10:47 PM 

Hi all,
Those were the days, when the RAAF operated the big choppers and all was right wth the world!!!!

the other Ray

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the other Ray
(no login)

aaaah, those were the days!!!

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August 6 2007, 10:47 PM 

Hi all,
Those were the days, when the RAAF operated the big choppers and all was right with the world!!!!

the other Ray

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Bruce A
(no login)

Rod and John THANKYOU very much for the info, and John,some

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August 6 2007, 10:27 PM 

more questions.
I am indeed using the Monogram 48th scale kit in conjuction with Ryans set. I have grafted on an early style intake from the fujimi kit as below
" border="0" />
and another one of the bottom. I have opened up the cargo hook and rear vent as well
" border="0" />
I am going to use the hawkeye decals and do 897 with the drop tanks decorated with the navy ensign
1. Would this be correct for this particular a/c. I am assuming tanks got swapped from a/c to a/c
2. was the flag on both drop tanks or just port or starbord
Thankyou for clearing up the rotor issue. I will be using the head and blades from an old ESCI kit

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John Ellis"); // --> John Ellis John Ellis
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Re: Rod and John THANKYOU very much for the info, and John,some

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August 6 2007, 11:19 PM 

we never had drop tanks with the ensign on them.I dont know when they were painted on. Normally the tanks had the last digit of the code number on them.Later on we only had one set of tanks, which were plain blue. Tanks weren't used very often.As for 897, it was a stock standard UH-1B.Early in 84 it was used as HMAS Stalwart ships flight helo for 2 weeks and was fitted with extra tie down points on the skids and hard points. Check photos as these hueys were zapped on a regular basis. A couple of them were covered in stickers

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Rod Cairns
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Blade tabs

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August 6 2007, 11:20 PM 


One more thing about the blade surgery, the real trim tabs are just 1/8th alloy plates bonded to the lower skin and faired in with bog. From memory, the tab extends about the same distance under the blade trailing edge as it protrudes.

I'm pretty sure the tabs were the same distance from the tip regardless of B or H. Reference photos seem to support this. I suggest you take measurements of the Esci blade tabs and replicate them using thin card after you shorten the blades.

Out of interest, the tabs are there to match the blade tracks to prevent vertical vibrations. Using a strobe gun and reflective I & - targets bolted to each blade tip, we would watch the blades on a test flight. If the vibration (and track) was consistent throughout the flight range, we adjusted the pitch change link of the low blade up. If the vibe increased with airspeed, and we could see the blade track split increasing, we would bend the tab of the low blade up.

As far as lateral vibrations go, the big blade bolts are hollow with a screw in plug on top. Lead sinkers are added for spanwise balance. For chordwise balance, one blade is swept slightly using the adjustable drag brace that connects the trailing edge to the head.

One more thing (pet hate), PLEASE don't forget to put a little coning angle on the main rotor hub. The main rotor assembly doesn't sit in a flat plane. The B Model has a 3 degree coning angle and the H Model 2 degrees.

Here endeth the lesson!

Cheers and hope the build goes well. I'm about to attempt a 1:35th scale 5SQN Bravo using the Academy kit. If anyone has pics of the rear cabin wall fittings, I would be eternally grateful.

p.s. there are some great UH-1 reference articles popping up over on under forums/helicopters.

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Bruce A
(Login pacificmustang)

Thanks again Tom and John, some interior pics for you Tom

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August 7 2007, 2:20 AM 

" border="0" />
" border="0" />
will indeed bend a bit of angle into the blades Tom I also note that on most of the pics the blades are not horizontal to the ground but are p
"pointed backwards" if you know what I mean ie on all parked a/c the blades are aligned along the axis of the heli, the front blade seems to point up a little and the rear blade points down, poor explanation I know, sorry

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Rod Cairns
(no login)

This pic any use?

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August 7 2007, 12:38 PM 


This is 1019's hook hole if it's any use to you?


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Bruce A
(no login)

Rod thats sensational

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August 7 2007, 1:28 PM 

the only pics I had before were from the side, never knew what was above the hook, now to put some of that detail in, goes to show, you can never have enough pics and different angles
thanks again

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Rod Cairns
(no login)

Hell hole detail

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August 7 2007, 2:02 PM 

A pleasure Bruce,

the hell hole is boxed in on all four sides as you see it. The hook assembly hangs from the Lift Beam which is basically an I beam which runs across the hell hole and is attached to the main fuselage structure. The transmission has a lift link on the bottom which attaches to the top of the lift beam. Thus, any external load strain acts in a straight line to the main rotor axis does not affect the aircraft's Centre of Gravity.

There are three springs that keep it central and our hooks did not have the ability to swivel.


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Graeme Molineux"); // --> Graeme Molineux Graeme Molineux
(Login GraemeMolineux)

So the Academy UH-1C is no good for RAN?

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November 19 2007, 12:28 AM 

Hi Guys, Is it too late to come and chat in this threadd?

I have two Academy 1:35 UH-1Cs up in the cupboard and I was intending to build one as N9-
N9-3101-4 and possibly produce some decals. From what you are saying, Rod, The tail fin, stabilator and rotor head on the RAN Charlies are actually
Bravo style?Bugger! I thought this was going to be OOB! I guess I've got some cutting and filling to do.

Now that I look closer at some of my reference, I see what you mean. So, really, the only thing Charlie is the engine?

I want to do some proper colour profiles of the RAN birds too, Might anyone be able to help me with stencils and details and such when the time comes? I am looking at doing all the RAN birds and as many of the RANHFV choppers as I can find reference and details for, slicks and guns.

My aim is to produce some high quality frameable prints of Hueys in Australian service, and I want to make sure I get the details right.

Let me know your thoughts!


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Rod Cairns
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Academy 1:35 UH-1C to RAN B conversion

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November 19 2007, 10:03 PM 

G'day Graeme,

I think you have your work cut out for you. I have one of these kits but am fortunate to also possess the Cobra Company C to B backdate resin set (birthday present courtesy of my son's trip to the States earlier in the year).

At US$30 plus postage it's an expensive exercise. One other option might be to use the fin and rotor head from the old Revell 1:32 UH-1D kit.

I don't know how well they'll scale out, the fin mightn't work but I reckon the main rotor would go close. You would obviously need to shorten the blades and re-do the trim tabs to achieve a scale 44 foot span tip to tip.

Whatever you do, the winch, winch motor fairing and external tanks are going to have to be scratchbuilt (unless Ryan H can come up with something...hint,hint,).

Bottom line, despite what is written in various texts and websites, the RAN UH-1s were Bravo Models. They just picked up a few Charlie features along the production line such as the extra fuel tank on the left engine workdeck and a rotor brake.

Good luck,


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Graeme Molineux"); // --> Graeme Molineux Graeme Molineux
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How about the Panda Hotel kit fin?

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November 20 2007, 9:55 PM 

I may be back in business here... I have a Panda Hotel that I was going to sacrifice for the rotor gear. I could use the fin from that, yes?

That would be cheaper than going the Cobra Company set tooo.

It still makes it a $100 chopper!. The stab and winch I could scratch up.

While I'm at it, does anybody know anything about the "Ned Kelly" gunship trials bird the AWM has pics of? They haven't labelled it very accurately but it does appear to be a Bravo.


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Rod Cairns
(no login)

That'll work!

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November 21 2007, 7:51 AM 


Graeme, I hadn't thought of the Panda kit. The fins are identical on Bs and D/Hs so that should work. There are some 'chinese weights' that need to be fitted to the rotor hub for a Bravo also. They are small 'posts' where the blade drag braces attach to the blade grips.

Your new synch elevators should be the same span as the kit ones but 3/4 the chord, symmetrical in profile and have a small spanwise fence along the top only.

9SQN UH-1B A2-1025 was Ned Kelly (1).


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Current Topic - RAN UH1Cs Wide chord blades or not?
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  • Member since
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  • From: Melbourne, Ausralia
Posted by Grubbman on Saturday, January 12, 2008 6:56 PM

Hi Guys,

I have some pics of 384 at Point Cook, but they are port side only. I'm hoping to get in to do starboard (and 377) soon. I will put them up on my site then.

I hope this helps!


  • Member since
    February 2007
Posted by Boomerang on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 4:57 PM

  G'day Neil, thanks for the link to that pic. That is a great clear shot. I really wanted to get out to the last Temora flying weekend. They had a RAN Huey flying display, but i just couldn't make it. It would have been a great opurtunity to take lots of pics. Oh well....Sigh [sigh]

  You can email me by clicking the email tab in this reply. My email is also in my profile...


  • Member since
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  • From: Australia
Posted by neilsmadabtchoppers on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 4:42 AM

Hi Boomerang

Try this link


Neil Queensland

Wots your email?

  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by aussiemodeler on Sunday, November 25, 2007 8:40 AM

ray i could cry!!! now just for te echo's winch!!! hahahaah cheers and chat soon


  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 6:27 PM


  Never fear my friend. Check out Cobra Company's UH-1B backdate set for the MRC kit here:


  The only other option I'm aware of is the Siminar 1/35 UH-1B kit.  Trust me the CC stuff is MUCH better!  Good luck!



  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by aussiemodeler on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 6:09 PM
ray i am building academy's UH-1C into a early vietnam RAAF UH-1B, hence the need for the  UH-1E rescue crane and need to change the tailplane and fuel filler. the halo is going to only have the crane as extra's as i don't really want to build the mounts for the single door gun's that the raaf used. all though i have seen a pic of a late RAAF UH-1B that had the bigger tailplane and intake screens like the kit comes with.
  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 8:09 AM


  Which kit ya building?


  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by aussiemodeler on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:54 AM
cheers rotorwash!!! Big Smile [:D] am a bit peeved with the "new" details , need to move the fuel filler some how make a new main rotor and downsize the tailplane, drat!! oh well thats modeling. does anyone know of a rescue crane for the uh1e? thank you.
  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Monday, November 19, 2007 9:06 AM


  No offense taken, man.  Posting is so impersonal, but I promise that I wasn't upset.  I know how frustrating refs on Hueys can be, trust me.  I was just trying to help out the other guys who read this thread that are also having a hard time sorting out the details.  I guess I have to start using the emoticons again Cool [8D].  See now doesn't that just make a statement look happier!  Good luck with your build!Make a Toast [#toast]


  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by aussiemodeler on Monday, November 19, 2007 4:08 AM
rotorwash!! i wasn't being rude or anything like that!!! i was simply suggesting the fact the adf has never stuck to the norm! i also since read another book made by the adf which never mentioned charlies!!! and like i said early on i have no idea about rotory wing aircraft!!!!!! cheers
  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Thursday, November 8, 2007 9:01 PM

It occurs to me that those reading this thread trying to decide whether they are looking at a Bravo or a Charlie model haven't seen a C model posted here yet.  So for comparisons sake, her first are two B models:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

[img]http://Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" border="0" />

Here are a couple of C models fr comparison:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" border="0" />

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" border="0" />

Compare the following features between the B and C models:  Rotoheads- 204 rotor in B model vs. 540 rotor in C model, Rotor chord- 21 inches in B model vs. 27 inches in C model, Pitot tube- On the nose in the B model vs. on the roof in the C model, Tail fin- marrow in the B model vs. much wider in the C model, Horizontal stabs- Narrow with symmetrical airfoil in the B model vs. Wide with assymetrical airfoil in the C model, Fuel filler- on the right in the B model vs on the leaft in the C model.  Those are the best characters I know of for differentiating teh two models.  Maybe this will help clear up some of the confusion.


  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Thursday, November 8, 2007 8:25 PM

Boomer, Check this site:

It gives serials for RAAF Hueys and the Codes used by the RAN for their birds. Here is the entry fr the ship you say you are interested in building:

N9-883UH-1B63-12955883Delivered 05/64. RAN Code:858/898. Served with 723 Sqn RAN. Crashed 11/11/64. Near Jervis Bay NSW. Flown by Leut(P) G.O'Day RAN and a pupil. Crashed among trees near Jervis Bay Airfield when pilot was demonstrating a forced landing. Pilot seriously injured but recovered. Aircraft written off.

You will also notice that there are NO Uh-1C's listed in the RAAF, Army, or RAN enventory.  I hope that helps.


  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Thursday, November 8, 2007 8:04 AM

Boomer and aussiemodeler,

  You guys build to please yourself.  If you want to build a D model RAN bird that's fine.  Just have fun!  Steve and I were just trying to help as best we can from our side of the pond.  I will tell you that NONE of the pics that are posted in this thread show a single Charlie model feature.  I hope the build goes well and keep us posted.


  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by aussiemodeler on Thursday, November 8, 2007 5:25 AM
very wise booma! the australian govenment has never ordered anything"out of the box" and so seems our C model iroqui's i vagely remember speaking to an ex RAN chopper pilot who is a friend of the family and he said to me he flew one of the RAN's charlie's so thats why i was so addament, but i have not got the eye to notice the rotors or other "confermable's" i was going on what i knew  and read in black and white! is ther any chance the govenment skimped and used the older b model parts on the "c"????
  • Member since
    February 2007
Posted by Boomerang on Thursday, November 8, 2007 1:37 AM

   The references sure are confusing Sigh [sigh]. I have deduced from all that has been posted here that i am building a UH-1C, not a B model as i thought....Laugh [(-D]. The main differences seem to be the fuel fillers and the rotorheads, after that, it all gets too confusing. Aerials and pitot tubes seem to change with no rhyme or reason with the different models.

   Anyway, i am building a C model and thats final!....Whistling [:-^]


  • Member since
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  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 9:22 AM

   I agree with Steve about the RAN birds being B models.  There is no way those birds are Charlies.  It's more than just the rotorhead (although that seals the deal). Its the horizontal stabs, tail, pitot tube and fuel filler loactions.  Unless those numbers were used on other birds, the ones you listed as C models are ALL Bravos or bravo derivatives (check pics of those birds in this thread).  Sorry that the refs apparently have that mixed up.  As I mentioned before, it is unlikely that the US would have parted with any Charlies until after VN, at least. Also, there were comparatively few Charlies built in the first place. 


  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by Hatter50 on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 5:53 AM


Your source may very well be correct, as long as the Navy moved number codes around between aircraft (to confuse the enemy Big Smile [:D] ).  I say that because in the photos posted above, at least 893 and 898 are UH-1Bs.  The evidence is in the rotorheads.  These are early 204 heads (with the counter weights) and not the 540 head that is the defining difference of the "C" model.  You can add and remove "fiddlies" all over it but it's all in the rotorhead that makes the difference (other assorted differences included of course).


  • Member since
    November 2007
Posted by aussiemodeler on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 2:24 AM

Just read Stewart Wilson's vampire,macchiand iroquois in aus servise and it states the RAN took charge of 7 iroquois 3 bravo's and 4 charlie's the b model number codes are 857 887 897. the c model codes are 893 894 895 898.  the c model has 2 tiny what seem to be arial's just in front of the bottom of the 2 windscreens near the middle! thay also have no "towel rack" antanae and the pitot tube on the roof.  the winch is the pitot is in the same place as the uh-1D the c also has a small fin type antanae just in front of the beacon light on top of the exhaust cowling.  RAN #898 is the only charlie that has the defused grill on the intake! it also hlate in its career have the late uhf fm antanae on the roof like the uh-1H anything else please ask! cheers ind the spelling just had an op on my brain so unless its in fron of me i can't spell proper yet too well! cheers

  • Member since
    February 2007
Posted by Boomerang on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:12 AM

     EXRIRDY.......  Thanks for the link to your photos. I am curious. The two clour close up's, what model Huey are they from? I noticed that the close up of the winch motor housing shows that the housing protrudes over the green roof glazing. Pictures of RAN birds i have show the housing set further back. Those two pics are great though, they show some good detail........

     BMK.......  thanks for the offer of the pictures you have. I have emailed you....


  • Member since
    October 2007
Posted by EXBIRDY on Saturday, October 27, 2007 9:39 PM

Here is a link to some of my photos. The close up shots I found on the web. I am uploading more soon.


  • Member since
    January 2007
  • From: Adelaide Australia
Posted by BMK on Thursday, October 25, 2007 9:20 PM



I've got a few overhead photos if needed. contact me off line as I don't know how to post photos here on the site.



"I start to many and finish none"

  • Member since
    February 2007
Posted by Boomerang on Saturday, October 20, 2007 8:43 PM

   Thanks EXBIRDY. Thanks for your private email too. I appreciate all the help given to me so far. And if you have any pics, well, any reference material is always usefull. So please post them, that would be great.

   My build is slow. The fit of this kit i have is not real Putting up a bit of a chalenge. A lot of trial fitting and trimming going on.......Banged Head [banghead].


  • Member since
    October 2007
Posted by EXBIRDY on Monday, October 15, 2007 9:17 PM

The RAAF and RAN early Hueys were standard UH-1B's. The only different ones were navy 894 & 898 which had the C model fuel tank arrangement. The filler cap was on the left hand side and the tank on that side was extended to the top of the cabin door in height. The winch was the same as used on the UH-1E and other US navy and marine rescue versions. I have some photos and drawings which I will dig out and post.


  • Member since
    January 2007
  • From: Auburn, Alabama
Posted by rotorwash on Thursday, October 4, 2007 7:23 AM


  My pleasure, Mate.  Keep us informed of your progress.  Good luck with the build!


  • Member since
    February 2007
Posted by Boomerang on Thursday, October 4, 2007 4:54 AM

   Thanks for all your info and pics Rotorwash. Also thank you for your patience and time you have put into your posts. I am very grateful and it has helped me very much.

    THANK YOU....Make a Toast [#toast]



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