Beautiful build there Adam, Red Devils all the way.
I like the way you composed the Paras with the knocked out Panzer. It shows the odds against them in Arnhem. They managed to knock a few besides this one with Gammon grenades and their anti-tank guns.
The figures are well painted and the shades on the denison smock are better than mine. Wish I had those figures you have around then for Hold until Relieved. Also you have captured the masonry for the church building well. I've seen painting by others done that still look like plastic. Good stuff.
My interest for the british airborne also extends to the aircraft that they rode to battle as well. Take a peek in the aircraft section if you like. I've got a Stirling converted to troop transport or glider tug WIP post which has just completed and another on the Horsa Glider. Both of these were used in the Pegasus operation on D-Day.
If you notice , my avatar is the completed Stirling. I'm a D-Day buff too, so at present I've also got a Dio on the 101st in progress.
Thanks for bringing this post up front Adam. Really enjoyed looking at it. Now I know why you were so interested in Hold until Relieved.
~Richard ~ Thank you so much for that generous appraisal. This was a really enjoyable build--4 months from start to finish. Moving away from the usual dozen or so figures helped with that--I purposely limited myself to the 4 Figures, and yeah, had the benefit of some well sculpted examples. tried to get the Denison smocksto be accurate enough to be convincing in the scheme of the Dio, but really didn't take the care nessessary to faithfully reproduce it in every detail. Fortunatly, I guess, at the time, I didn't realise the Denison to be some 'Holy Grail' item for figure painters, but true they dont often compare well in model form to the real item.. As for the Church ruins, I started with a nice hydrocal plaster casting from Verlinden, and went to town destroying it as I built it up(reversed). the plaster is certainly a better medium than any plastic for modelling stone, of course it drinks up paint, and requires thorough priming. You bet I was interested in"Hold", I really enjoy that Dio, and everthing in it looks terrific. You bit off a lot of tuff jobs with the design of it and the epic scale of it, and met all those challenges well. I hope to see more builds from you featuring British forces, some of my greatest heros in those ranks---You can bet you will see more brits from me upcoming including another in the E.T.O. and another in N. Afrika.
~101st~ Thanks my friend, I'm really pleased you enjoyed checking this out, and thanks for the winning endorsement. --I aim to please.