Things finished or almost finished
1-1st Jenny (Canuck) 90% finished
2-2nd Jenny (basketcase) 90% finished
3- 2 Harley motorcycles
4-Mercedes show car conversion finished
5-Model T Red Indian Gas van finished
6-Model T Franklin mint diecast-needs weathering,flags and bunting.
7-Mobile trailer sign finished
8-14 scale figures finished
9-1st OX5 built and installed on aircraft
10-Mercedes 180HP for engine shop(Ken Foran) finished
Yet to be built
1-2nd show car (Mercer mod.)
2-Barnstormers car (H-S mod.)
3-Rolls-Royce parade car
4-Entex Model T van
5-Lindberg Model T car conversion
6-2nd OX5 engine for test stand (now underway)
The total number of cars and vans will depend on the size of the future parking lot.
When that is all done,I will be at the end of Phase 1.
Phase 2 will consist of the second hangar and its outbuildings as well as all the hangar furnishings.
I guess I had better step away from the computer and get busy!!
Cheers! John.
It has been said that the difference between a "pilot" and an "aviator"
is that a pilot is a technician,and an aviator is an artist in love
with flight.