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Diorama "Battle of Hue 1968"

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  • Member since
    July 2006
  • From: New Jersey
Posted by redleg12 on Friday, November 16, 2007 8:36 AM

OK...Let me clarify  Repeat Over

I agree this is the WWW and all have a right to post. We all post our builds here as I said to get comments, good or BAD. By posting here we have to be willing to accept both (done tastefully). Some of the members on this forum have backgrounds or study an area and are able to give details about particuar builds in an effort to help the builder learn and make a more accurate model.

I served during the 70s through the 90s and served with and commanded many VN war vets therefore I have a background of the US military during this particular era.The comments I posted on the inaccuracy of this build I would have made to anyone who posted it.In an attempt to help them learn. If some of the people on this forum I personally consider master modelers such as Doog, Biffa and yes Heavy (don't get a big head) posted this build, I would have made the same comments. I would expect the same from them if I posted a build within their area of expertise.

There have been times where I was happy with a build and items were pointed out to me. I did not get upset, I just wanted to build better on the next go around. These comments did not take away from the fun I had with the build nor my pleasure of that particular build.

My main problem is from the standpoint of being a "professional build". If the man makes a living from the build then to some extent I guess it is his profession. But there is a difference between a professional painter who paints you house and a professional painter who's work is hung in a museum. I personally don.t like his work and as you said this is the WWW. If you post it they will come, both sides. You have to be ready for it. If MM likes it, for him thats all that counts.

As far as one is a "professional". Everyone is just trying to make a buck. If someone is willing to pay for someone else's work, good or bad, more power to him.

Lastly, many on this forum, especially some of the young modelers keep some of these threads as background material. I point out the problems so the can look and learn.

I think the horse is dead on this one. 

Rounds Complete!!

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"The Moral High Ground....A Great Place to Emplace Artillery."

  • Member since
    June 2007
Posted by squeakie on Friday, November 16, 2007 1:02 PM
 redleg12 wrote:

OK...Let me clarify  Repeat Over

I agree this is the WWW and all have a right to post. We all post our builds here as I said to get comments, good or BAD. By posting here we have to be willing to accept both (done tastefully). Some of the members on this forum have backgrounds or study an area and are able to give details about particuar builds in an effort to help the builder learn and make a more accurate model.

I served during the 70s through the 90s and served with and commanded many VN war vets therefore I have a background of the US military during this particular era.The comments I posted on the inaccuracy of this build I would have made to anyone who posted it.In an attempt to help them learn. If some of the people on this forum I personally consider master modelers such as Doog, Biffa and yes Heavy (don't get a big head) posted this build, I would have made the same comments. I would expect the same from them if I posted a build within their area of expertise.

There have been times where I was happy with a build and items were pointed out to me. I did not get upset, I just wanted to build better on the next go around. These comments did not take away from the fun I had with the build nor my pleasure of that particular build.

My main problem is from the standpoint of being a "professional build". If the man makes a living from the build then to some extent I guess it is his profession. But there is a difference between a professional painter who paints you house and a professional painter who's work is hung in a museum. I personally don.t like his work and as you said this is the WWW. If you post it they will come, both sides. You have to be ready for it. If MM likes it, for him thats all that counts.

As far as one is a "professional". Everyone is just trying to make a buck. If someone is willing to pay for someone else's work, good or bad, more power to him.

Lastly, many on this forum, especially some of the young modelers keep some of these threads as background material. I point out the problems so the can look and learn.

I think the horse is dead on this one. 

Rounds Complete!!

Repeat Out 

You know when I made the post about the little inaccuraceys I saw in the diorama, I felt a little guilty for just plain nitpicking. I could have gone into it much deeper, but left it alone. I think if he'd posted it as something in Siagon or Hoi An, I might have much more acceptted it. Lets put it to bed.


  • Member since
    February 2007
Posted by Boomerang on Saturday, November 17, 2007 6:56 AM

   I like this small viginette. I think it captures the danger of Vietnam and all it's unexpected booby traps. Maybe these guys are new to the war and are about to learn the hard way. They obviously were not listening to the valuable advice given to new arivals....

   These Hobby Fan figures look good. Has anybody else used them? They look good. (sadly, that is the downside to MM's posts. can never get much info on the builds)


  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted by zokissima on Monday, November 19, 2007 1:29 PM



*sigh* nevermind...

  • Member since
    February 2003
  • From: Thailand
Posted by Model Maniac on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 2:37 AM

Many thanks for all kind comments on the dio!

Most of the time AI built armors and dioramas OOB, but for this one he added something. If built OOB, you can't should the back side because it's dead flat like a concrete wall. I agree that Hobby Fan made a mistake with the hinges, they should be inside not outside. The following link shows the unbuilt part of this kit and some other kits from Hobby Fan and Legend: 

I bought this kit and another one (Get the hell out of here) from the guy who posted.

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