Hans von Hammer:
Kinda dark, Pard... Can you adjust the exposure with Windows? I tried, but some error keeps me from saving them.. There's a lighter-shaded band of some sort around the TBDs and I can't tell if a different color or just newer paint on 600 & 602..
IMHO, I think there is a differant color band on the fuselage, I believe its due to the time period of the shot, I can't remember the dating, but the Navy changed the size of the fuselage roundels, in '42 ?? from the larger Prewar/Early war to the smaller roundel. I beleive the differant color band is from overpainting the previous markings to the new..
Well, that's where I have some confusing issues too... Pre-war/Post Yellow-wing, the US Navy had one size of roundel on the fuselage, then went to an over-sized one (but only in the PTO, I think) just prior to the Coral Sea battle, then painted out the red center between then & Midway, THEN changed the size again, all in 1942...
Stikpusher (I think) posted a link once upon a time to US Navy Markings and Camouflage but damned if I can find it now...