Now that I've learned a few things about weathering and detailing from hanging out here. I'm faced with ultimate rhetorical question artists always ask themselves. "Am I Done?"
Accurate Miniatures' TBF-1C Avenger (not George Sr.'s, the older AM kit). This plane was bigger than I thought! I like the gloss finish on these darker models. Was thinking of going with a dullcoat, but I like what I see so far. I like the new look on this one the use of Future has provided, but is it too glossy? I've used Testors Dullcoat 1260 in the past successfully, but was heartbroken to what it did to the metallic finish on my P38. I know I'll have to remask the windows for the application of the dullcoat if I pursue that avenue. A sludge wash to darken the panel lines is rather pointless for the upper panels, but the ship is still at sea about the intermediate blue and white underside panels. Any thoughts/suggestions?