Here it is with all of the last touches of oils and what not done up and the flat coat to seal it.
2013-06-13 03.08.32 by brittvallot, on Flickr
I'll take a scalpel and lightly pick at the screws along the cowl to show the work on taking off the panels. You'll see that Alclad coming through there. =]
2013-06-13 03.09.07 by brittvallot, on Flickr
2013-06-13 03.09.37 by brittvallot, on Flickr
I haven't really spoken about the under surfaces much yet. The third formation light (amber) is not apart of the kit and had to be scribed in. I start the light with a reflective color like Flat Aluminum here. Then I'll place a the appropriate color from Tamiya's clear section...Clear Red, Clear Blue, and Clear Orange. Lastly, I'll place a small drop of future to seal it and set it off from the flat surface around it. That will help to make it pop from further out (even though it won't be well seen from underneath).
When I begin painting, I start with the under surface color first and bring it up a little higher than what I need to. This over lap allows you some wiggle room to find that "line" you're looking for between your colors in your paint scheme. I'll tape it off and pull the surface back off the plane some to allow for a slight amount of overspray. This keeps that line from appearing too sharp. Some were sharper than others. Some were quite worn away. It'll just depend on the individual aircraft.
2013-06-17 12.09.30 by brittvallot, on Flickr
You can also see in this photo where I've attached the anti-sway brackets for the fuel tanks I'll be putting on next. These were cut and filed to shape from a sheet of tin.
And I needed to go back and repaint the hubs on the wheels. They were supposed to be Light Grey.
This next photo is skipping ahead to the Alclad on the drop tank. I robbed these drop tanks from Hobby Boss' F4F-3 for Butch O'Hare. I think they're a little nicer. I wasn't crazy about the braces and brackets the Tamiya kit provides. I also did my best to detail them up from a Wildcat reference book I found. I realize there were several kinds of braces to modify the drop tanks to fit the Wildcat, but the I went with these since they fit the only photos I could find in detail. After I committed, I would later see a pair of brackets on the ground in the Marion Carl pic on his Wildcat that seems to favor the Tamiya's kit more. C'est la vie.
2013-06-16 11.08.31 by brittvallot, on Flickr
Brackets only:
2013-06-17 13.11.48 by brittvallot, on Flickr
And here they are painted.
2013-06-17 14.55.42 by brittvallot, on Flickr
Fuel line, sway braces, anti-sway bracket and receiver
Sorry this photo isn't quite in focus.