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I don't mind the new layout and the larger font is a good thing. The part that does actually bother my eyes, and therefore forces me to leave sooner than before, is the white is just too bright and it makes reading more difficult for me now. If they could grey it down or yellow it down a bit then it would be okay. It is a greater strain on my eyes now, but I am sure they are working on it.
On the bench:
A lot !! And I mean A LOT!!
2024 Kits on deck / in process / completed
14 / 5 / 2
Tamiya F4U-1 Kenneth Walsh
ajd3530 stikpusher ajd3530 Is there seriously not a mobile version of this mess? I just switched to desktop view, and its the same freaking thing. How am I even supposed to use this site like this? try turning your phone sideways and see how the screen looks then. Mine was better and showed full messages when I did that. Sideways view.
stikpusher ajd3530 Is there seriously not a mobile version of this mess? I just switched to desktop view, and its the same freaking thing. How am I even supposed to use this site like this? try turning your phone sideways and see how the screen looks then. Mine was better and showed full messages when I did that.
ajd3530 Is there seriously not a mobile version of this mess? I just switched to desktop view, and its the same freaking thing. How am I even supposed to use this site like this?
Is there seriously not a mobile version of this mess? I just switched to desktop view, and its the same freaking thing. How am I even supposed to use this site like this?
try turning your phone sideways and see how the screen looks then. Mine was better and showed full messages when I did that.
Sideways view.
Hi ajd3530,
We'll look into this and see what we can come up with.
Timothy Kidwelltkidwell@firecrown.comEditorScale Model BrandsFirecrown Media
The white does not bug me so much a the changes to "your discussions" (now only showing threads that you started) and the inability to go to the most recent post on any thread directly.
Ditto stik. Not only that but you can't preview your post as before. What hapenned to all my gold stars? ans all this white does not look right.
Why fix what is not broke? I'm sorry but I do not like this so called new and better format. I rather have the old and reliable one.
Too many models to build, not enough time in a lifetime!!
stikpusher ajd3530 Is there seriously not a mobile version of this mess? I just switched to desktop view, and its the same freaking thing. How am I even supposed to use this site like this? try turning your phone sideways and see how the screen looks then. Mine was better and showed full messages when I did that. Sideways view.
stikpusher The white does not bug me so much a the changes to "your discussions" (now only showing threads that you started) and the inability to go to the most recent post on any thread directly.
I went in cirlces trying to find where those went!
Now that I'm here, where am I??
There is to much white, I find it very annoying and painful.
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
I would like to see a little less bright background, but not as dark as it was prior to the change. Also, I can't find a way to permanently select descending order for post displays, I think I set that before from settings. Overall though I like most of what I see.
To see build logs for my models: http://goldeneramodel.com/mymodels/mymodels.html
Cant find "Your Discussions " less then 3 to 4 yrs old... I guess you have to put in favorites now... The white is just flat too much... I dont know... Too much change all at once...
When Life Hands You A Bucket Of Lemons...
Make Lemonade!
Then Sell It Back At $2 Bucks A Glass...
No worries Aaron! Just a quick poll to see if I'm the only one out there that fears change. lol I've no doubt there's somebody tinkering with some things about it.
Stik, I'm with you. I suppose it'll just take some getting used to a new format. The conversation feature may return.
I like it! The white is so clean looking.
"Some say the alien didn't die in the crash. It survived and drank whiskey and played poker with the locals 'til the Texas Rangers caught wind of it and shot it dead."
Aaron Skinner
FineScale Modeler
Yeah...this is awful. I don't know why you mess with what isn't broken, but what do I know.
I like the white! As far as operation, I can't say. I just logged on lol
I can't find the "mark as read" anymore.
Don Stauffer in Minnesota
I'm with you Stik. I also don't like that I can't see which threads I've viewed, or if there is a new post since the last time I was on.
On my bench: Academy 1/35 UH-60L Black Hawk
I'll reserve my judgement a few days, as I am sure they are working out some kinks still.
Is anybody else out there losing there minds yet with the new layout?! lol It's so white. I feel like my eyes don't know where to go anymore...like I'm in Finescale Purgatory!! LOL =D
I don't think I'll ever get used to this. Way too damn white.
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