Well, this is embarrassing . I've screwed up my stringbag's rigging on the wings beyond the point of redemption.
I apologize to those of you who were following along thinking that I'd put this kit together in a manner that was reasonably competant. I did try. Unfortunately my skills at prefitting, double checking, looking for tripwires in the building process was not up to snuff. I've been hoisted by my own petar.
I'm going to carry on and see how it looks if I can attach the wings after adding the armament. I say "if" because there's an even chance that I'll not be able to attach the wings without knocking several pieces off several times.
The rigging of my wings is a nightmare. I ended up not having some of the kit PE sections reach the holes into which they were supposed to fit. In those instances I more or less gave up the hope for finishing this aircraft in a manner that would be satisfactory to me. I added some plain, round (the PE braces are flat) copper wire to extend the rigging. It doesn't look at all acceptable. Nonetheless, as I've just said, I'll attempt to finish it.
I'll post a picture of my disasterous wing rigging that I've struggled with over the last couple of days. You won't have to strain your eyes to see lots of glue and scratches some of which I may be able to take care of before I'm done. In addition, I'm sure that the styrene struts were not placed correctly as hard as I tried. That added to my frustration by making the wings slightly catawampus.
Oh well, I will continue to work on this now ruined kit with some knowledge of how to best proceed on my next build of this aircraft.