This is my favotite mainly because I know the guy who flew it. Joe Mc Connell is a friend and fellow musician who flew this bird (well, the real one) out of the PHILLIPINES in the 823rd sq. of the 38bg during the last months of the war. Prior to piloting this B-25 he flew right seat in an earlier modified glass nose version.
When on bomb runs Joe was responsible for releasing the bombs. He recounts on his first mission ,while attacking a JAPANESE train, the pilot gave the bomb drop command and after flying over they didn't see any explosins. That's when Joe realized that ,in his excitement, he'd forgotten to open the bomb bay. He said "there went a bunch of guys that lived for another day."
I asked Joe if he ever flew again and he said that after the war he never flew a plane and didn't ever think about it again until I started asking him questions about his war experiences. I eventually asked him if he'd like for me to build his plane,which stoked him, and he loaned me an old photo album with pics of his plane "SWEET SUE" (named after his sweetheart and wife Susan) plus his squadron mates and other planes in the unit.
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I tried to get the Monogram model as close to what I could see in the photos and there's some questions about some of the markins eg. the squadron color and serial #. I do know that the tiger head and the planes name are accurate. These were hand painted onto decal film and applied accordingly.
Joe may have confused his earlier B-25 assignment with this plane since the serial number indicates an earlier year for when a B-25 J would have been built. I'm not certain. He liked it and that's what was most important for me.
I built this model in the early '90's and Joe's had it since so, if anyone's got a problem with detail accuracy- well, it's to late for me to fix it now. I will note the comments for the future if I ever do this subject again.
Joe and Susan live happily on a farm in MANSFIELD Pennsylvania.
Joe's plane is not famous like all of the so very well known bombers that we've seen for almost ever but it's no less important.