Alright! I finally got some work done on the banshee! I had to pull the fusilage halves apart and fix the cockpit tub (it wasn't sitting level). I got it all back together puttied and sanded. In my impatience I primed it before taking pics (sorry)! I have to do some "fine" sanding of areas, but it is looking good. I also pained the landing gear and wheels. I opted for Tamiya Flat aluminum for the gear and Nato Black for the tires.
The kit is primed with Testors grey primer. I plan on adding some wire to the gear bays that are pretty bare of detail. The kit shows "Dark Sea Blue" for the gear bays. I think I might do them in Interior green. Any input is helpful. It seems that most of the A/C have that same color in interior area??????.
Here are some pics. I am working on the H-19 with floats. I have some great reference pics fo that kit. I need to run to the Home Depot for supplies first!
Painted the intake flat black. The intake props were painted oiled steel and the exhaust were painted metalic grey.
Below is the upper fusilage primed.
Lower primed! As you can see the gear bays are empty of detail!. Hopefull some wire will add enough detail!
Here are the rockets and some of the gear painted on the sprue
More sprue painting!
I am realy ready to dig into the H-19 after this kit! Looks like some real potential for added detail!