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60th Anniversary Korean War Group Build- extended for the duration

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  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Garland, TX
Posted by pepper kay on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 9:26 AM

[quote user="Dr Win"]

"women are very much like steam engines, they look good, smell good, cost you an arm and a leg, frequently cause you pain and you always want a go on someone elses..."


Hoo haw, ain't that the truth ? ... but mine's a keeper - she loves planes, trains and automobiles, real and model and shows guests the latest builds or projects ...

In fact, she bought our house (for a lot of reasons, of course) because it had a 12 x 20 steel building in back, plumbed and wired and she thought it would make a great place for my train layout and model-building workshop ...Bow Down

Because of spinal surgery, she came to TX 18 months before I did (we're from San Diego) and I had to stay behind to keep our son in school that last year, then sell our San Diego house and get released by the surgeons ...

And she's an 'ace' wingshot with a 12 ga. shotgun ...

So now,, back to work on Project Reefer and am gonna stay inside today and out of the snow ...


  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 10:43 AM

Snow and black ice?  Crap, that front is heading my way.  I hope it doesn't ice here.  Isn't Garland NE Dallas?  Thankfully, the cold fronts tend to weaken a bit by the time they hit San Antonio.  You aren't too far where Squadron is either I think?  Have you gone there?  I might try and go to Eaglefest this summer.  I've never been.  We are having the IPMS Modelfiesta show in 18 days!  For once, I will be off of work, and kid free.  If I can just convince my wife to stay home..... Well, she'd just text me non-stop anyways!

Dr Win, your La-11 is looking good.  It sounds like you have a lot more perseverence than me!  I seem to complicate my own builds and make them more challenging than they should be.

Mac, that is a nice set of Marine figures.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 1:55 PM

Lookinf forward to seeing the Marine figures come to life , Mac

Nice work on the LA-11 Andy as well as the armour too Yes

Stikpusher is nearly finished his Centurion and Andrew is making good progress on his as well .

Hopfully shortly we should have some nice finished armour builds on display .

I started on the ROK RF-4C and F-4E ;

Fujimi supply nice decals for the cockpit ;

The fuselage and wings fit without any issues ;

Along with the two ROK Phantoms there's three USAF Vietnam birds , all five are part of the Phantom GB ;

I figured since I was doing two for the ROK , I may as well add the others in as well Whistling

Today  I'll fit the intakes to the F-4's , glue the wings on the A-10 and F-16's and my modern Korean fleet is coming along nicely .

                                 John .

  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Leicester, UK
Posted by Dr Win on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 3:32 PM

She got any single sisters pepper? :)

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."


  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Leicester, UK
Posted by Dr Win on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 3:43 PM

Greg, trust me on this that LA-11 has caused me pain for weeks and its not done yet. I have to rub down some of the varnish as I slightly over sprayed in places and it shows! Still have the decals to do which just look nasty. I think there's a line between perseverance and masochism and with this I crossed it. Also noticed today that the wings are askew. The port wing is leading the starboard, not apparent from a normal viewing angle but I know its there now and its going to annoy me. One to replace when a better kit comes out.

The Damiler Mk2 is motoring along, the hull and turret are now in green the wheels are painted black, I'll deal with the hubs tomorrow and get a coat of varnish onto the hull as well. Have started on the Dingo, going to need a fair bit of work - its the ACE kit and has all the joys of short run Eastern European kits. The main problem is going to be the decals. White stars are easy enough to source, but correct unit/vehicle markings for Korean war 27/29 brigade & Commonwealth division AFVs' and soft skins just don't exist. There is a gaping hole in the market for an after market sheet. Anyone else hitting this problem? Tons of stuff for WW2, even a 72nd sheet for Suez but nothing at all for Korea. Forgotten war even in miniature...


"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."


  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Garland, TX
Posted by pepper kay on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:11 PM


Snow and black ice?  Crap, that front is heading my way.  I hope it doesn't ice here.  Isn't Garland NE Dallas?  Thankfully, the cold fronts tend to weaken a bit by the time they hit San Antonio.  You aren't too far where Squadron is either I think?  Have you gone there? Cheers,

Greg - we're about 13 miles NE of Dallas ... Yes, Squadron is close - 'bout 15 miles or so, but I've never been there ... I believe they only are open to the public just a few days of the year ...

I just drove home from McKinney - about 39 miles north of here and it took me 3 hours ++ ... man, it's cold and the talking heads on TV said it's going to be in the 5 - 9 range tomorrow night ... and that's with no wind chill factored in ...

How I miss home - San Diego ... talked with my daughter a few minuites ago and its 72 out there ...Cool

Again, I want to complement everyone building for this GB ... all your work is aces and I'm learning as we go ... I'll be posting pictures very soon and ask for suggestions, comments and criticisms ...



  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Garland, TX
Posted by pepper kay on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:15 PM

Dr Win

She got any single sisters pepper? :)

Nope - unfortunately she's an only child ... she's the 'boy' her Dad wanted, so he taught her how to hunt and fish, enjoy baseball, ride a horse, drive a tractor and be patient ... a jewel, to be sure ...Wink


  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 5:59 AM

Well, I've been actually working on models today!  It's kinda surprising, since I haven't worked on anything in the last four nights and three days...  Here's a shot of my ICM 1/72 Yak-9 in progress. 

Something to note on this kit, it comes as either the Yak-9D or P  Both fuselages are present, but the 9P doesn't have the DF aerial or a window, you're supposed to paint that area silver.  I cut it out and included a stretched sprue made areal.  Also, for some bizarre reason, the instrument panel is far wider than it should be.  I had to seriously trim it down, and then the decal doesn't fit right...  Imagine that.  I bought mine as a dual kit called "Korean War, 1950-1953" which also includes a Chinese marked Tu-2.  I went with the Yak because I thought it looked easier and would go quicker.  The Tu-2 looks a bit convoluted, and even though I've washed it two times already, it's still got this really tacky sticky mold release goo on parts of it.  I'm seriously considering getting some mechanics hand cleaner to use on it!

Here's a shot of the in progress B-29, I'm just at a stopping point prior to putting the FOURTY EIGHT decals on the bombs.  Seriously gonna suck...

And because I can...  This is a really cool thing I found here in Korea, ripples of the war are everywhere!  These are a snack called (aptly) B-29's!  And believe it or not, they're like Cheeto's Cheese puffs, but CURRY flavoured!  Yes, I bought them, yes, they aren't too bad.  Unfortunately, there just isn't much curry flavour to them, it could be a lot stronger, I think!

Have fun folks!  Sorry, but I forgot to take a pic of my La-11.  Also, I've been reading that book, "Crimson Sky" and it mentions specifically that some of the kills in the early part of the war were La-9's as well.  The only significant exterior difference (okay, from a 1000 yards) would be the external radiator under the fuselage.  Although, I'm not so sure how much I trust this source...


Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 7:56 AM

Dr. Win: She looks pretty good to me in the photos, if you hadn't told me about the problems I would have missed them Wink

Draken: Yeah, limited run kits are fun aren't they? I love that snack food package, I bet you wouldn't have them named B-29s in Japan... And curry flavour, just ate some Korean food last week and forgot to tell them to make it mild. Devil Is there ANYTHING a Korean won't put hot sauce on!?!?!?!

Not to make light of the problems ya'll have had with those limited run Eastern European kits but I finished one off about two weeks ago and took it in for our club meeting. It wasn't too bad for a limited run kit and I said so. One of the guys had to rag me though about 'Gee Cliff, why don't you build a Tamiya kit or something, you always bring in that limited run krap and complain about what a PITA they are.' Stick out tongue

BTW: Still working on my base. I'm laid down about five layers of plaster so far and can't see to get it to suit me. Crying

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 9:46 AM

Sorry, 'bout your weather issues.  I gots 99 problems and a 'sleat' ain't one.

I grew up in ND/MN area.  Driving/living/surviving in snow and low temps is what we're about.  I just don't have patience with people who can't drive in poor weather.  Wait, lemme clarify that, I have no patience with people who can't drive.  Wait, I better clarify that again, I have no patience with people who drive!

Living in the RoK, one of the things I've SERIOUSLY come to admire is the mass transit system!  I can take a train/bus/taxi/walk anywhere for less than $5.00 (USD).  Big Smile   So much better than the states where I had to drive or ride a bicycle everywhere.  Super Angry

Anyway, OB publication, my MPM La-11!



Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 10:06 AM

On a previous plane of existence, Gamera said:

"Is there ANYTHING a Korean won't put hot sauce on!?!?!?!" in regards to Korean food.

Nothing I have seen so far...  Pizza has sweet corn, sweet pickles and Hot sauce.  Kaegoggi (dog meat) has onions mushrooms and hot sauce, Live squid gets hot sauce, Bibimbap (fried egg on top of rice and veggies) gets (you guessed it!) HOT SAUCE!  Weirdly enough, though I hate cabbage and cabbage related products (kimchi!  URGH!) I've begun to have an affinity for hot flavored items!  I order everything with either Tabasco or jalapenos when I get US style food, and put the same on all of my own home cooked items.

And chili is a WHOLE new ball game for me!!!


Keep up the good work folks!


Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 3:04 PM

Are ya calling that La-11 done there Draken? If so I will add her to the front page.Interesting looking aircraft. The fuselage shows the La-5/7 heritage, but all new design on the wings. Thanks for taking that one on!


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 3:47 PM

Heya Stikpusher,

It's as done as I'm gonna get it.  A very difficult build for me, I'm not 'pro' and this was my first short run kit.  Found lots of things that I'd do different on the next bunch.  I've got a Sea Fir F.47 in the stash and that's going to be a LOT easier to do now that I've got a short run kit under my belt.



Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 4:03 PM

OKthen Doc, she is added to teh front page. You Braile scale guys do carnk out the kits!Wink



F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 10:43 PM


OKthen Doc, she is added to the front page. You Braile scale guys do crank out the kits!Wink


Whoah, wait a sec, Stikpusher...

I figured that this would happen at some point in time, just not so quickly!  I'm Andy (the_Draken), the other Andy doing the La-11 is Docwin (Andy.  I'm not sure what Andrew is working on at the moment.  We've got three Andys on the build!  Geeked

Docwin (Andy) is currently in progress with the Gran kit of the La-11, I just up and decided last week to build the MPM.  I think the other Andy (Docwin) is the one that is supposed to go onto the front page when he's done.  I don't want to take his place and cause an incident.  Big Smile

Lemme know what's up.  It's Chinese Lunar New Year and everything's shut down in Korea, I'll be having a dinner with a friend and celebrating until late night.  Type to you folks later!


Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Thursday, February 3, 2011 3:09 PM

My deepest apologies sir! I don't know why I confused you with Dr Win in all honesty. Well my error has been corrected and your La-11 given proper credit! Enjoy your holiday there!Toast I know our local Asian communities will be having their Lunar New Year festivals here. Large Viet and Korean populations just up the road here.


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Leicester, UK
Posted by Dr Win on Thursday, February 3, 2011 4:44 PM

Ah well, allow me to clear up (or possibly add to) the confusion with pics of the finished LA-11 and one of the Damiler armoured car which should be finished tommorow (the grey blob in the foreground is as far as I have got with the Dingo).


"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."


  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Leicester, UK
Posted by Dr Win on Friday, February 4, 2011 2:59 AM

Thought I'd copy and paste this in from the Bison decals website as it may be of considerable interest to you all... planned for 1/35th scale, I've already emailed the guy to ask if he has any plans to produce these in 72nd too... If any of you have useful reference material get in touch with him. God I'd love to get 72nd Korean aftermarket sets!

35131 8th KRIH in Korea - Centurion, Dingo, Cromwell, Cromwell Dozer.
35132 Lord Strachcona's Shermans in Korea - M4A3E8 and Achilles.
35133Commonwelth AFVs in Korea - British, Canadian, and NZ.
35xxx US Tanks in Korea (#1) 
35xxx US Tanks in Korea (#2) 
35xxx USMC Tanks in Korea (#1) 
35xxx USMC Tanks in Korea (#2) 

Suggestions for markings to a single tank or a whole set are welcommed (in any scale).
Maybe you have photos and information of any interesting subject or single tank.
Please contact me.Suggestions for markings to a single tank or a whole set are welcommed (in any scale).
Maybe you have photos and information of any interesting subject or single tank.
Please contact me.



. . . . . . . . . . . .



Do you have any material concerning Post WW2/Cold War British armour?
I would be interested in producing some decalsets for the period circa 1946 to the 1980s.
Markings for Cromwell, Centaur, Comet, Centurion of course, armoured cars and so on.
BAOR, UK, Palestine, Egypt, Suez '56, Cyprus, Jemen, Kuwait...
Korea, Hong Kong, Malaya, Borneo, Java...

Grateful for any help - with some luck these sets could be released in the years to come.
You can contact me (Johan) by mail;



As a start a A34 Comet set was released in January 2010.
British, Cuban, South African and Irish markings.
Also a new Suez 1956 set (35119) including some more british markings
are planned to be printed this year (2010). 
Update: This set are now available.
Some sets with British, Canadian and NZ tanks in Korea will be released in 2011.



. . . . . . . . . . . .



More help needed. 
All these small stencils, like shipping labels and different codes, and check the battery etc etc.
It would be very good to have a couple of these as decals, to add realism to the model.
At the moment I'm especially are looking for Sherman stencils, but everything are of interest.
Ammo box stencils might also be of interest.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro..."


  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Friday, February 4, 2011 8:59 AM

Draken: Very sharp LA-11!

Dr. Win: Great looking LA-11 too! Really like the colourful decals on the grey paint. Thanks for posting the info on Bison decals. I've seen them at shows but thought they did pretty much entirely German subjects. I am going to have to pick up a couple of these sets for US/UK/Commonwealth AFVs.

After I noticed we have two Andrews and an Andy in this GB I went back to calling you guys by your callsigns, seemed like the least confusing thing to do. Hope ya'll don't mind Wink


"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 12:52 AM

Great work guy's on the two LA-11's Toast

Cliff , I hope things work out for you with your base .

The temperature here in Sydney [western suburbs] is 104F today and upstairs in my domain there is no aircondition , I've been trying to get by with a couple of ocilating fans but it's just toooooo hot .

A cool change is expected tomorrow [sunday] hopfully I'll get back to the bench then . In the meantime I'll camp out downstairs with the oldies and the aircon and a cold brew Beer

                                                         John .

  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:23 AM

WOOHOO!  Gotta love boredom...  I've FINALLY buckled down and put on the NINETY SIX decals that are meant for the THIRTY TWO bombs in the Academy B-29!!! Toast  This means that I can finally install the on the respective racks and attach the fuselage sides together.  WHEW!  I honestly didn't know if I'd ever get this far.  The Cartograph decals ROCK!  They slide of easily, have the proper amount of adhesive, and with just the SMALLEST touch of solvent immediately curl around the bombs.  So much different from the other Academy brand decals I've used. 

Whomever else is building this kit, the decals are a major bright spot!Yeah


Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Saturday, February 5, 2011 12:47 PM

Dang John, that is hot!  That's Texas weather there.  Strangely, we had snow the other day.  I'm glad I wasn't working.  Stayed inside and hung out with my son.  I hope everyone down under is safe and doing good with all the extreme weather that seems to be hitting.

All the builds are looking good too.  I'm glad to here about Andy's bomb decals went good. 

As of now, I'm not working on anything Korean.  When I get caught up on some other stuff, I will start something and stop lurking.  My P-70 for my NF GB is taking a lot more work than I thought it would, and everytime I pick up my Panther for the Alley Cat Gb, I find more flaws.  Not trying to complain, I am just going slower than I would have liked.

So far, this is still my favorite GB.  You guys have made this not only fun, but interesting and informative too.  Thanks again fellas.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
    December 2010
  • From: Yangju, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
Posted by the_draken on Saturday, February 5, 2011 1:27 PM


My P-70 for my NF GB is taking a lot more work than I thought it would

Sorry to butt into the wrong GB and list here, but, I found the easiest build for the P-70 (aeons ago!  It was 1981 and I was in eighth grade] was the Revell P-70.  I don't know if this helps yo at all, but I wish you the best!


OB Korean Build:  I finally pt the fuselage together on the Superfort!  Nasty fix, lottsa tape, gonna have even more filler!  Hopefully it'll workout okay, though! 

Just finished reading Pratchett's "Unseen Academicals", about to start reading something new for bed-time.


Andy Hill (the_draken) landrew.hill(at) <*> ASE Master Auto Tech, Imaca certified.  >^.^<

PADI OWSI Certified, BA Poli Sci (NDSU), BS Secondary ED-Social Studies MSUM (Sigma *** Laude)

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Saturday, February 5, 2011 3:35 PM

The one (P-70) I have is the 1/48 AMT.  Cool plane, nice detail in some areas, devoid in others.  Overall, I think it is a neat kit, just a lot of work.  The only "easy" build I've had in quite some time was my F-51D for this GB.  I'm starting to think it is me...???  Good practice I suppose so if I can ever find/afford a Classic Airframes F3D-2 I won't botch it too bad!

I wish more politicians were, if any are to begin with, model builders.  As much thought and research, self critique, and peer review we do, they could learn from that!  My co-workers always tell me "I don't have the patience for that".  I tell that I am not a patient person, but this helps. 



- yat yas!



  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 5:01 PM

Greg , I was also thinking about one of those 1/48 Classic Airframe F3D-2 Skynight , they are rather expensive and I'm not sure if anyone has them in stock at the moment ?

Anyway I've been putting off starting my MPM Gloster Meteor F.Mk-8 RAAF 77squadron for a while now ; At first I thought the build would be too complicated . However last night I was going over the instructions again and I think I can make a go of it ;

I'm not sure what color to paint the fuselage interior ? , I suppose it would be interior green .

There is a nice resin seat with PE seat belts , would the seat frame be black or interior green with olive drab cushion ???

I thought I would use CMK's 'Rolls Royce Nene' engine and cut open one of the top engine access panels to expose the engine ,

The rockets that fit under the wings are a three piece resin affair with PE tail fins which make them look over complicated but I'll worry about those last .

I'll make a start today on the cockpit and engine assembly and see how things go from there !!!

                                                John .

  • Member since
    October 2009
  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Saturday, February 5, 2011 5:24 PM

Nice looking parts for the Meteor!  Those Aussie birds are cool.  I read a review in SAMI (I think) about that kit.  The author did it in target tug scheme.  I have the mag at home, I will check and see if there is any mention of interior scheme when I get home tomorrow.  If I remember right, the author had a hard time with the kit.  He complimented the detail and accuracy, but construction was tough.  Of course, reviews are rather subjective.  The SAMI reviews of a couple of planes contradicted what the FS reviews said!  What I like about reviews is if they tell you what is in the box, and what is not, and any trouble spots.  When they use supplies and AM that is not obtainable, that doesn't help much.  Fs is good about that, I think.  How's the phantom factory?  I am looking forward to joining in on the fun soon.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 6:19 PM

I'm sanding the putty on the Phantom fuselages as well as the F-16's , so their coming along nicely .

I think yesterday must of been the first time in twenty years of building kits , that I had to give up because of the weather . Normally Sydney's weather is quite good all year round , in winter it never gets below 50F and very rarely does the mercury go over the 100 mark , I'm lucky that I can airbrush all year round but yesterday with the persperation running down my forehead and into my eye's , I just couldn't keep going .

Even the computer was struggling so I had to shut it down as well over night .

Thank's for looking up the magazine article for me Greg , I'll glue some of the engine pieces together and cut open the engine panel in the mean time .

BTW , Andy good luck with the B-29 , I hope she goes together without too many issue's .

                                     John .

  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Garland, TX
Posted by pepper kay on Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:33 PM

Helo H-34

I'm not sure what color to paint the fuselage interior ? , I suppose it would be interior green . .

Hey John:

Here are 2 interior shots of a Meteor (per Google) ... looks like green interior, black panel ...


The other shot shows me getting ready to head to the workbench to do some spray painting ...


  • Member since
    September 2003
  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Saturday, February 5, 2011 7:58 PM

Thank's for the cockpit pic's on the Meteor , Pepper ;

WOW it looks cold where you guy's are , It never snows in Sydney , thankfully it doesn't get that cold .

I have only seen snow once , back in '81 I went with some mates down south to Mt. Kosiosko [snow fields] ,

Hung out on the tebogon slopes for a day and that was enough snow for me , never wanted to go back !

Pepper , how do you hold the airbrush with those gloves on ....Wink

Stay warm guy's................

                                  John .

  • Member since
    July 2004
  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Saturday, February 5, 2011 9:46 PM

Dang that looks cold there PK.StormUmbrella I guess I wont go into too much detail on how I spent today in shorts, Hawaiian shirt, and sandals...Cool

I did finish getting the tracks all glued up on my Centurion last nite. I did not trust those AFV "workables ' to be just snapped together. Now I just need to paint the outer surface of the tracks, apply decals, and weathring begins.


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton




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