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60th Anniversary Korean War Group Build- extended for the duration

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  • Member since
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Posted by Helo H-34 on Friday, October 15, 2010 2:42 PM

Hey Guy's ;

Thanks for the advice on weathering my armor builds .

I did see those Mig pigment sets at the LHS , there about $36 for the set and some single containers went for $8 to $16 each .

Last night I added some thinned black enamel wash to the M19 and M4A3E8 , It looks okay and I was thinking about what you guy's suggested and airbrush some light tan to the lower componets and a lighter shade of olive drab higher up , so I'll try this today .

I did rub some of that Tamiya brown pigment from their weathering set B on a couple of truck tyre's and it looks okay so I add some more to the rest of the wheels .

Greg , you really have me curious about the night fighter aircraft , I realize this might be slightly off topic a little but I was wondering if you could post a list of the most popular night fighter aircraft .

                            John .

  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Friday, October 15, 2010 2:16 PM

DUH! Thanks Pepper a guy just told me about the railroad pastels the other day and I completely forgot about them! Dead And as you say even if you go with the expensive MiG brand even as small as the bottles are they'll last forever.

Greg: I might be interested in a night fighter GB too if it's sometime next year. I signed up for way too much stuff and don't know when I'll get it all done. Still I've got a P-61 and several Imperial Japanese night fighters in my stash I could toss in.

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
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Posted by pepper kay on Friday, October 15, 2010 1:26 PM


John, one of the most popular means of weathering today are pastel powders. If you don't want to buy the powders and they are expensive you can do the same thing with your airbrush and some thinned down light tan paint. It is more work though and you can't wipe it off if you don't like it.

Check the armour side of the forum for guys that are alot better at this than me, I'm pretty new to the whole pastel thing and not the best at it.

Hi Guys:

Check the model railroad shop for pastel powders - not chalks, but already made up powders in their plastic containers ... each about $4.00 and each has enough to last more than a lifetime ... just dip a fan brush into the container and apply ... then whensatisfied,seal with DullCote or similar ... the DullCote tends to lighten them just a bit, but once sealed, they're permanent ... if you don't like your results, you can wipe them off with a damp Q-tip ... of course, that's before sealing :-) ...

Also, check when there, the Floquil weathering pens ... they come in a 3 pack (different colors), cost about $7.00 for the pack and each with different colors such as rust, earth, mud, rail brown, grime and so on ... these are the 'pens' that you open and press down several times to draw up the paint ... practice using first on scrap ... I just used the Rust on a tank, on the spare tracks and mufflers, and with a wee bit of drybrushing, they'll look as good as anything done with washes and such ...


  • Member since
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  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Friday, October 15, 2010 1:04 PM

Gamera, you are right about the MIG price.  I just glanced at that stuff recently, since weathering is one of my many weak points, and was taken aback by the cost.  I think I am going to have to practice with the cheap stuff first!  I would like to be able to take the plunge into armor someday.  I just don't want to drop $60 on a Hobbyboss Amtrac and then screw it up.  I guess I need to find a cheap practice tank!

John, I love your new additions!  Most of my Night Fighters are Korean War too.  If we could do a GB, then they would be crossovers.  I have a bunch of WWII planes that fit the bill too.  All weather attack planes such as the intruder would fit too.   Selfishly, most of my stash would fit the parameters then.  Besides the P-38, and Alley Cat, what else are you doing  too?  So far, this (Korean War) has been the most fun for me.  In large part to your awesome builds.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Friday, October 15, 2010 9:53 AM

John, one of the most popular means of weathering today are pastel powders. You can buy the pastel chalks in art stores and grind down the end to get enough to use or buy ready made powders like MiG Productions. I'd advise on the ready made since they add something to it to get it to stick better. Just take a little powder and apply to the model with a paintbrush or cotton swab. Apply it heavy to the wheels and lower points and let it thin out as you work your way up the model. If you don't like what you have you can wipe it off and start over.

If you don't want to buy the powders and they are expensive you can do the same thing with your airbrush and some thinned down light tan paint. It is more work though and you can't wipe it off if you don't like it.

Check the armour side of the forum for guys that are alot better at this than me, I'm pretty new to the whole pastel thing and not the best at it.

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
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  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:58 PM


Sorry for the abrupt ending, I am at work and I had to run.  The H-19 is looking good.  That is a really interesting bird.  One of these days, I got to add some helos to my collection, and that, and the H-34 (both in USMC markings of course) would have to be in it.

I have been dropping some hints around about somebody starting a Night Fighter GB.  Anybody interested?  I am way too new here to start a GB.  I was thinking Night Fighters and Night Attack A/C.  This way, it could cover A/C like the Corsair and Tigercat, et al, but also the B-26, and the PO-2 as Korean War goes.  WWII all the way up to Night Attack Harriers.  Just a thought.  Stik, not trying to highjack your GB.



I like the idea Greg ;

However I have pretty much committed myself to the Korean War GB and three other GB's .

Like you , I really like the Night Fighter aircraft , along with the three 1/72 scale Corsair , Tigercat and Skynight , after seeing your awesome 1/48 5N , i decided to get these two 1/48 birds to put away for christmas...

Apart from a Tamiya/Italeri AV-8B Night Attack Harrier and I think a F/A-18D Hornet , all my other Night Fighters are based around the Korean War era .

On another note , Travis is making great progress on his H-19 , the seatbelts and console ducting are a real nice addition ; makes me realize I need to get a wriggle on and start getting more builds finished .

I have done some preliminary work on two H04S-3's [H-19]....

Maybe I can get the fuselage halves together this weekend , Travis's build has got me inspired .

I'm struggling a little bit with the two PB-1W's [B-17] ; They were going along okay untill I discovered the wings angled up to high and I decided to remove them to fix them , unfortunatly the fuselage halves came apart as well and the cockpit too . So I'm basiclly starting again with them , which is a little frustrating , I was aiming to have a lot more builds completed by now .

Oh well , I'm happy with the M19 and M4A3E8 Sherman builds , so it's not all bad going .

Love the Night Fighters and I can't wait to start mine , hopfully in the not to distant future .

                              John .

  • Member since
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  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:52 PM

Sorry for the abrupt ending, I am at work and I had to run.  The H-19 is looking good.  That is a really interesting bird.  One of these days, I got to add some helos to my collection, and that, and the H-34 (both in USMC markings of course) would have to be in it.

I have been dropping some hints around about somebody starting a Night Fighter GB.  Anybody interested?  I am way too new here to start a GB.  I was thinking Night Fighters and Night Attack A/C.  This way, it could cover A/C like the Corsair and Tigercat, et al, but also the B-26, and the PO-2 as Korean War goes.  WWII all the way up to Night Attack Harriers.  Just a thought.  Stik, not trying to highjack your GB.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
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  • From: Texas
Posted by Gregbbear on Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:47 PM

Yes, what he said.  I scrolled over the picture, the pop down img, clicked on it, went to edit on my tool bar, hit copy, went to the reply to post, went back to edit and hit paste.

Caught a run.

- yat yas!



  • Member since
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  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:34 PM

Pepper ;

I use Image Shack to upload my pic's .

I had my brother type out step by step instructions for me to use ...

I hope this helps .

                              John .

  • Member since
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  • From: New Zealand
Posted by Scorpiomikey on Thursday, October 14, 2010 8:10 PM

Your using photo bucket. Theres a URL you can copy for each of your photos which starts with "[IMG]" and ends with [ /IMG ] Just copy and paste that into your post.

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar"

Recite the litanies, fire up the Gellar field, a poo storm is coming Hmm 

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  • Member since
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Posted by pepper kay on Thursday, October 14, 2010 7:39 PM

Hi All:

I've yet to find any way to load an image to this FSM GB Topic (pages) ...

So, here's the URL to the page I mentioned re the nightfighters on a base in Korea ... once the PhotoBucket page loads up, please scroll down and you'll see a thumbnail of my photo ... click on that to open and view ...

And, if anyone can help me find a way to post images directly here - as so many others are doing - I'd certainly appreciate it ...



  • Member since
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  • From: Australia
Posted by Helo H-34 on Thursday, October 14, 2010 7:38 PM

Travis , your H-19 is coming along nicely ;

Here's a pic of a H-19 with pontoons from the 3rd Rescue Squadron 1952....

Anyway , a little more progress on the M19 and M4A3E8 , I airbrushed several light coats of Gunze H-30 clear yesterday on all the seperate parts ...

I kindly ask for some advice and assistance with the wethering of both vehicles .

All my aircraft builds have always been of a clean finish , However this wont suit the M19 or Sherman tank , so apart from adding some thinned black wash enamel to the engine screens etc , I was wondering as to how you guy's achieve a finish like in the pic below...

I really like how the wheels and tyres have a dirty/dusty appearance and I suppose it would be the same under the chassie's of both vehicles ; but I have no idea on how to go about in achieving this ???????

Any help would be appreciated .

                                               John .

  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:30 PM

Travis: Sharp!

Thanks guys, hopefully I'll be able to get a primer coat on the K1A1 this weekend and start on the camo soon after that. Crossing my fingers I'll have photos by next week.

The Trumpy F9F is a solid kit, not Tamiya quality but from dry fitting her she looks like a shake the box kit. It comes with a gun nose and the photo recee nose like Aggieman's kit as well as a half dozen bombs and rockets. I used one of Eduard's excellent ZOOM PE sets in my cockpit, everything is pre-painted, just sand off the detail there and glue the placards in place. God only knows I'd never have gotten that kind of detail on the gadges with a brush. Still the kit comes with a PE part for the instrament panel and nice detail in the cockpit that with some extra work would have turned out pretty well.

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


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Posted by STFD637 on Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:45 PM

Hey everyone! The builds are looking great!! I have been diligently working on my H-19 "Rescue Chickasaw." i added some detail.....but in classic modeling fasion as soon as the fusilage halves were together it was gone. Some big seams to fill as you can see. Painted the pontoons in Gunze Tire Black. After I sand the putty and Mr. Color down on the seams it will be on to painting. The  paint guide just says silver. I was thinking of doing Flat Alum. But bought a rattle can of testors Metalizer Mag. We will see how it looks. I will probably do a little polishing on certain areas.

I also added tape seatblets to the seats. I added a hose that runs over the top of the control conesul using stretched sprue.










Thanks for looking. This has actually been a fun build....a good break from the A/C I have been on lately!




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Posted by stikpusher on Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:27 PM

Gamera, I am glad to hear that you were able to scratch a substitute part for your K1. All too ofthen these days I find myself doing the same thing. And yes, the F9F is most welcome here. That cockpit looks great so far! Yes


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Posted by Gregbbear on Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:42 AM

Gamera, glad you are able to fix your ROK tank.  That Panther looks sweet.  I have been thinking of buying one of those.  I'm interested to see what you think.  The IP looks great.

Those are some cool Black Widow shots and info.  -C was fast!  430mph is pretty darn good.  They would have been serious hunters in the night sky if they had gone into service earlier.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
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  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Thursday, October 14, 2010 10:32 AM

Wow, I see F-15s fly over all the time and every now and again a F/A-18 but it must be awesome to look up and see a vintage warbird like a B-25!

Helo: The transporter looks great and nice save on the missing piece.

Stikpusher: Nice looking BMD-1!

After looking the missing pitchfork thingee for over a week I finally broke down and scratchbuilt a replacement. It's far from exact but I figure there aren't enough experts on modern S. Korean AFVs to tell the difference.

BTW: Stikpusher do you mind if I toss in a second model in a Trumpy 1/48th Panther? Aggieman's beautiful model has pushed me into pulling it out and starting it:


"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
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Posted by Scorpiomikey on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:46 PM

Couldnt find anything on the F2T-1N but i did find this

The XP-61E is a bit of a looker.

Also found this coment of the MAAM website

F2T-1 - United States Navy Trial Planes; two such converted.

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar"

Recite the litanies, fire up the Gellar field, a poo storm is coming Hmm 

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  • Member since
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Posted by Gregbbear on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 5:02 PM

Wow, the F-61 almost made it!  Very interesting.  I was looking around a little and saw that the USMC had ten P-61Bs called F2T-1N that they used as radar trainers.  I looked around, but I couldn't find any pictures of one.  That would be a bird I would have to build.

Later today, a B-25 flew over.  I heard something else, but I didn't get outside in time to see what it was. 



- yat yas!



  • Member since
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Posted by Helo H-34 on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3:51 PM

Thank's for the link stik ,

I read the article and the F-61's missed the Korean War only by a month ;

However I really like the pic on page one of Chapter 1 , so seeing I have two F-82's in the stash , I think I'll add the Black Widow and do a Diorama of all three on the flight line just like the photo .

Greg , It must of been great to see a B-17 fly over , the only time I've been close to an ex military aircraft that was still in flying condition was an C-69 Constellation . I got a bit of a shock when they fired off those cartridge's to start the engines ; "HOLY CRAP" I haven't seen so much black smoke in my life...

                          John .

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Posted by stikpusher on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:55 PM

I just checked Wiki and they say the last operational Widow left Japan in May 1950. They just missed the war...Boo Hoo

Great article there BTW.


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Posted by stikpusher on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:50 PM

Interesting question John. I have never heard of Black Widows being flown in Korea, but that certainly does not mean it did not happen. I suppose some more research is in order here. That would be a superb addition of a rare subject. I suppose knowing when the conversion process from F-61 to F-82 was completed. That pic is dated 1949 and so it could be as little as 6 months prior to the start of hostilities.Hmm


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

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Posted by Gregbbear on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:06 AM

That is a cool picture!  I have never seen a picture of those two types together.  Something interesting just happened.  As I was sitting here, I heard something flying over with piston engines ( not the usual F-16s and C-5s), I walk outside and a B-17 flies over my house.  How cool is that?  When I used to live in Galveston, I used to see stuff like that more often.  There, I even saw a Lancaster fly over.

John, even if the Black Widow wasn't used, you are going to have quite the night fighter collection that it will fit right into.  If I had any idea on how to host a GB, I think I would want to start a night fighter GB.  By the way, the tank and transporter are looking good.

No photographable progress for the F-82 and F-51.  They are both just about ready for the paint booth.  I have a massive Junkers in line ahead of them though.  Matter of fact, I need to get off the computer and continue masking that beast.



- yat yas!



  • Member since
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Posted by Helo H-34 on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 3:05 AM

Good to see ya again stik ,

Your BMD-1 is looking great ;

I have another question about Aircraft operating in the early day's of the Korean War ;

Chapter 1 in my Air War Korea 1950-1953 book starts with a pic of an F-82G twin Mustang sitting near two Northrop P-61 Black Widows ...

The caption say's crews were converting from the P-61 to the F-82 some months before the outbreak of the war .

Did any of the P-61 Black Widows fly at all in the early days , I have an Airfix 1/72 P-61kit that's been sitting in my stash for over ten years , I thought about added her into the mix ?


  • Member since
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  • From: Sonora Desert
Posted by stikpusher on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 11:00 PM

Impressive as hell, isn't he Mikey? Helo has finished more kits since the start of this GB  than I have all year...Embarrassed

Aggie, your Panther looks sweet! Thank you for taking part here and posting the finished kit. I hope you do another Korean War subject here with us. We still have about 9 months 'till our cease fire...

As for me, I think I have the speed bumps of life behind me for the time being and have been concentrating on other builds the past few days. My Centurion will reappear here soon...Whistling

I did complete the building of a 1/35 BMD-1 today, so that kit is off to the paint bench!

here's a peek!


F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!

U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!

N is for NO SURVIVORS...

       - Plankton



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Posted by Scorpiomikey on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 9:47 PM

Bloody hell helo, your a one man GB

"I am a leaf on the wind, watch how i soar"

Recite the litanies, fire up the Gellar field, a poo storm is coming Hmm 

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Posted by Helo H-34 on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 8:00 PM

The M19 Tank Transporter is progressing along nicely ;

I had the idea of inserting a small metal thread screw to attach the tank trailer to the smaller trailer bogie section that hooks to the back of the truck ; Sorry I don't know the proper terms for the trailer components .

I assume this part of the trailer does actually pivot ?

Anyway , I'll airbrush the tyre's flat black next and then I can attach the wheels.

                                           John .

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Posted by Helo H-34 on Monday, October 11, 2010 5:00 PM

I decided to break out the 1/72 Hobby Boss M4A3E8 Tank kit , as I want her to sit on the trailer of the M19 Tank Transporter I'm building.

This is my first tank build ever and the Hobby boss Sherman looks nice and easy ;

I was a little confused for the fist 10 minutes or so , when I couldn't figure out why there was so many wheels and suspension pieces provided ;

But I discovered that Hobby Boss give you a choise of bogie's with one wheel attached and seperate bogie's with seperate wheels , so I went with the seperate pieces ...

There is no interior pieces that fit into the lower hull , so I wasn't going to worry about airbrushing the insides white , nothing to see .

I'll airbrush the wheels and suspension pieces , lower hull and a few other bits and pieces Gunze H-78 Olive Drab 2 ; After the paint has dried I'll mask the wheel hubs and paint the outer rims steel color like on the box art .

Nice and easy for my first Armor build ; She should look good sitting on the back of the M19 .

                              John .

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Posted by Helo H-34 on Sunday, October 10, 2010 3:44 AM

Aggieman ,

That's an awesome F9F-5P , the cockpit detail is amazing and the overall finish of the Marine photo recon Panther is fantastic

Well done Sir ; Toast

I did a little more on the M19 Tank Transporter ;

I airbrushed lots of parts with Gunze H-78 'Olive Drab 2' before finally glueing into position

I'll start glueing the parts together first thing tomorrow .

                                  John .

  • Member since
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Posted by Aggieman on Saturday, October 9, 2010 9:07 PM

Well, gee whiz, I managed to sign up for a bunch of group builds and completely forgot this one.  My build for this GB, Monogram's F9F-5P Panther, is complete.  I posted my progress on another GB (Early Jets), but here are photos of the completed build and the pit.



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