The 109's just about reached the end of the assembly road! I still have to install the drop tank mount. Very seriously considering using the Dragon parts instead (and certainly their tank). I also need to install the upper IP and gunsight, but I didn't get things mostly wrapped up until late, and I do need some alertness for work.
Other than that, here's the E-7 95% built:
The clear parts fit exceptionally well. I think the main canopy may be a touch too long to fit between the windscreen and rear glass, but it's tough to tell since every test fit resulted in me knocking the rear glass off the plane. I'll have to fix those in place and then test.
I also need to figure out a way to fix the aerial mast to the rear glass with enough strength to bear a taut radio wire. Hmm.
Here's the bottom. Mostly solid. That chin scoop is still nasty IMO.
Close-up of the cowl and propeller. Really, really impressed with the Gunze Mr. Color paints I've used thus far. The prop may be the single best finish I've ever managed.
Other cowl notes. I used some thick strip styrene at the back lower corners to keep the cowl from wandering in. Amazingly it worked! I also wan't happy with the holes up top, so I shoved some brass mesh in there backed by some black cardboard. No mesh in the real plane - just a view into the engine (which strikes me as really dumb for a Trop model), so, yay for gizmology!
20mm cannon out of the Master 109E armament set. These things are far and away superior to the Eduard guns, but I probably won't use them on the Dragon E-4, whose guns are actually hollowed out!
On the Bench: 1/32 Trumpeter P-47 | 1/32 Hasegawa Bf 109G | 1/144 Eduard MiG-21MF x2
On Deck: 1/350 HMS Dreadnought
Blog/Completed Builds: