Thanks for the kind words. I did get some bench, err booth, time last night and took advantage of it.
bysamato, I haven't tried Mr. Surfacer White. I've been using the grey primer 1200 for the past few years. I love the stuff, except the nasty smell. There was an article in FSM covering it's use and application. Good article. I would recommend the spray bombs, although I've never used one. I would bet it would be easier to apply than with a brush.especially it being a primer. The only other thing I would try is possibly adding a drying retarder to the mix and test it to see how it works. That may help with the instant dry time you had noted.
Here's a shot of the "Shelf Setting Sherman" in Mr Surfacer 1200. It was shot thru a single action Paasche H, cut at about a 70% ratio with the air set at 20psi.
and a shot of the StugIII after preshading.
The Mr Surfacer primer levels out pretty good, almost to a medium sheen without adding any dry retarder to the mix.