Howdy Everybody, Thanks for the tips guys. As mentioned above here is the nose piece getting a pilot hole for the live center. Grrrr..sorry for the focus. I then wrapp
ed some adhesive backed foil to the live center
I used the nose cone to cut two 0.080 inch thick plastic discs for spacing the nose cone out to the proper distance.
Once the live center was used the nose cone stayed put. I made a template to gauge how much Milliput to use.
I think my Milliput is gettring to old, although I really gave it a work out mixing it the epoxy took for ev er to cure. I rolled the Milliput into a rope about the size of a large earth worm. I then wrapped the epoxy around the nose and live center. I gently worked the rope of epoxy doen firmly onto the end of the nose.
Here is the template.
I then added epoxy onto the rest of the nose.
The body of the nose took a couple of hits so the build uo was to correct the damaged surface and restore the rounded look to the noise.
I used sanding sticks on the main body and aluminum/brass tubing at the end of the nose. I/ll try to get a better pictur of the nose before I unchuck it from the lathe. The lathe did saved lot of sanding time.
Again I find myself with for 35mm manual focus.