Well, started on the ejection seats first, these things are kit unto themselves and I am only half-way finishd with one. Added some details such as cabling and painted based on references. I am using a combination of Model Master Acryl and Tamiya paints.
Front view.
Side View
I used 4mm wire for details. MM Interior Black for overall color. According to the references, the upper and lower seats were never the same colors, so I varied a little. I also used a little yellow pastel for highlight the chute kit by the headreast, and used white and brown pastels to add a little depth and "used" feeling to the seats. I drybrushed with a light gray, but used Tamiya Chrome Silver for some highlights..based on references.
The frustration with the kit was that the cushions were part of the seat, instead of being a seperate pieces. This made airbrushing a little complicated.
I could use some help on how to use those seat stencils that came with the kit. They are so darn small, but I know how cool they would look! Any ideas?