Jim, as a fellow 1/72 scale builder with a fondness for Skyhawks,,,,,,I will share my solution with you for doing multiple bombs, keeping in mind that I have to do each bomb 3 times in order to get double stripes on the noses
measure the diameter of the back side of the yellow stripe,,,,dig through all your kits until you find the diameter of sprue you need, allowing for the thickness of tape that will be wrapped around the sprue, creating a tube with a handle, and a sticky part to shove over the yellow part of your bomb nose
make 6 , 12 or whatever of these at a time,,,,,,you can re-use them until the ends get a little worn out,,,,,,but, just for advance notice, making one, and trying to do a complete load won't work, they don't last that long
I have to have one for the biggest end of the first stripe, paint the OD, then one for the smallest end of the second stripe, paint yellow, then one for the biggest end of the yellow stripe, paint some of the OD,,,,and then,,,,,,,COVER the finished area with low tack tape while doing the main OD area
trust me again,,,,,,you don't want to have to re do these because of overspray,,,,,,and in this scale, I just hand paint Vallejo Acrylic Bronze for the fuses
if you hit a "standard" dimension for the diameter, you might be able to find plastic rod or brass tubing to put your tape rolls onto