Bob - your panther is looking good, interesting scheme, and hope you can get it finished in time.
Dan - like that wash, really helps define even the smallest of details.
Stik - diggin the stowage gear, and impressed how you simulated the rope on the rear bin.
Regarding the antenna, I'd go with what Dan responded with. I'm no Tiger aficiondo, but have looked at a fair bit of period photos and would draw the same conclusion. On another forum someone pulled up Heeresmitteilung H.V.1945 Nr. 2, stating the antenna would be painted and installed at the factory using the same base colour as the vehicle. Your build might be special consideration, as the vehicle was repainted outside the factory.
I added a bit more celluclay to my base, and will hit it with some paint in a couple days. After looking at b/w of African Tigers, I realized something was definitely wrong with the brass MG 34 I had installed in the hull. Correct caliber, but is double the length! I'll have to remove it and replace with the original plastic one.