Old Ordie
checkmateking02 - Your Kingfishers are looking good .
Thanks, Ordie. Progress has been slow. I've been waiting for a day or two between paint coats, to let them dry and cure.
I applied the white undersurface color first. Actually it's MM Camouflage Gray, which is so light it looks white to the eye. Unfortunately, the flash washed out most of the detail.
Next photo shows how I masked the undersurfaces with poster tack, so I could apply the Intermediate Blue, also MM.
Then I masked the Intermediate Blue so I could apply the Sea Blue. Due to the tiny size of these, I'm doing the fuselage spine and horizontal stabilizers separately from the wings.
Next, I used masking tape to isolate the wings, and painted them Sea Blue.
I have to say that using poster tack as a masking agent hasn't been all that easy. It tends to stick to fingers better than it sticks to the planes, and it has an annoying habit of pulling loose from the side of the model you're working on, necessitating a continual back and forth re-doing.
Finally, a light bulb went on and I stuck them down on some old bottle caps, so I didn't have to handle the little devils themselves. That made things somewhat easier.
And having gotten this far, now I'm thinking that these might be easier to paint by going against conventional wisdom of painting from light to dark. It just might work better to paint the Sea Blue and move through the Intermediate Blue down to the white.
I still have six of these left in the box, so if I still have wits about me after these five, I might give that I try. I know I'll need more of these for future ships.
Nevertheless, I foresee a lot of brush touch-up in the future.
Now I need to move on to masking the floats under the fuselages--and they're a lot tinier than the planes, of course. I was studying them today, and there almost doesn't seem to be room enough on them for three colors.
Joy. . .
Thanks for looking.