Well, a bit of a bumpy start to the new year in modeling for me. Where to begin...
I had made enough progress on weathering that I decided I was finished, and it was time to apply the final matte /semi-gloss Alclad varnishes to my build. For some reason that I have not quite determined, my usually reliable airbrush not once, but twice decided to deposit a large blob of varnish on my finish when I pulled back the trigger to spray. Both times, I decided to try to gently wipe the blob away before it dried into something I would need to sand down with some finesse, and both times, I removed small patches of my weathering layers:
Way to learn from the first time it didn't work! Well, both of those pictures were taken after my initial attempt to add some pigments and oils to the area, resulting in darker weathering than I wanted, but still visible scars. But wait.. there's more.
While I was thinking about how I wanted to handle the clean up involved with those mistakes, something dawned on me:
Wow, not only am I not sure how I made the mistake in the first place, but I can't begin to understand how I looked at it for a week or two while I added successive layers of weathering without noticing. Guess the rookie mistakes I avoided on my P-47 were waiting for me here instead.
Eagle Strike provides ID markings for three different planes on their decal sheet, and all of them use the "HL", so that one is easy to deal with. Fortunately, I have been scanning every decal sheet I have before cutting them up, and so I was able to print out a new "B" on some laser decal paper I had bought to experiment with. The old decals came off pretty easily with tape, and the new "B" went on without too much trouble. The area left under the old "HL" decal is certainly cleaner than the surrounding area, but since the decal was essentially a square, I am not too worried about blending it in. The area under the "B" on the other hand...
I decided to repaint that panel, and masked it off to spray Alclad aluminum. All good? Sadly no:
The outline of the "B" is still visible due to the additional layers of clear acrylic varnish that were on top of the decal, AND, my making removed a layer of finish on the adjacent panel.
I plan to cut a "B" mask, and spray a coating or two of Aqua Gloss over the indentation in an attempt to even out the surface before applying the "HL" decal over it. I am hoping that will be enough to look ok after a wash or two. I'm still deciding what to do about the (now) 3 small abrasions (and am open to suggestions). I may wind up re-painting that side panel as well. Boy... I feel like I am in one of those board games where I am about to move my piece to the final square, but I roll the wrong number and get sent back 20 steps! I thought I was so close to the finish line! Oh well, new challenges and opportunities to learn from my mistakes.
To wrap this up on a slightly positive note, I finished weathering the Ultracast prop and assembled it:
Other than that, I'm glad to see things are going better for the rest of you. Everyone's pictures look great. Glad to hear you are feeling better Starfighter.