Okay, with the IT problems sorted, here's the update I was trying to do a couple of days ago, brought up to date with the current session:
Right, I had a chance to make some progress. The wheels went on, a slow and unsatisfactory process -- if the retaining caps had a) fitted the axles width-wise, and b) fitted the hubs depth-wise, it would have been a snap, but as it is the axles had to be filed and nothing would get the retainers to recess properly into the wheels. In the end, I've just ignored the problem. Here's the running gear mounted:
Next, the tracks had to be shortened, and as they were set up with a four-plate mating area, I basically trimmed the ends by two plates. Here's each end in comparison:
It worked pretty well, although I have read that the right hand side needs only one plate removed, I had removed two before I thought to double check -- no matter, the length was right. Here is the finished lower hull set up with tracks installed:
Today I joined the hulls halves, snugging the top down onto the bottom with superglue. The fit is close enough to get by, though the rear juncture needed a bit of squeezing and fiddling. Next, I loaded up the three NATO shades and spotted the camo over the joints, which is where the project rests at the moment:
While the black and green were in the airbrush, I finished/tidies up the camo on the AS-90 for have Gun Will Travel III, another project on a mid-year finish date.
I think I'll forego the fade coat. It would be probably buff at 5% paint to thinner ratio, misted on from a distance, but I need to service my AB, it's not quite up to speed for a job like that, and I'm low on thinners anyway, so I might let it be and cruise to the finish on the assumption that this animal is not long out of the paint shop. So, on to wash and drybrush phases...