Thanks, Joe and Dave!
Dave, after the decals came off the paper, I just slid them around with the point of a round toothpick until they went were they belong. Then I put a little MicroSet on them; waited for that to settle in and hit them with a little MicroSol. I left them alone for a couple hours, and applied more MicroSol until the carrier film pretty much disappeared.
They come from Starfighter Decals. They make a wide variety of 1/700 decals for ships and planes, plus other scales. I've used their 1/72 decals for some Navy aircraft previously. Very nice quality.
Joe, here's a current photo of Enterprise. It's still under construction, and I just attached the flight deck this afternoon. Then I weighted it down to let it dry.
I started out in the Hollywood GB with George Peppard's Pfalz from "The Blue Max." I was utterly defeated by the biplane wings, so I switched to Enterprise from "MIdway"--John Ford's 1942 Oscar winner and the '70's version with Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, Glenn Ford and the rest of the big names. The Enterprise build begins here:
There are a lot of photos there of the ship under construction.