I have the interiour completed and ready for painting. I had to make some alterations to the rear doors. The locking mechanisim on the left door is set in the closed position, and when i adjusted the handle so its set to open, the locking rods were to small. So i cut them away and used stryene rod in their place.
When i fit the door above, i realised the door would not move how it should it that it would not open fully. I noticed a piece sticking out that was jamming on the door. It had already been removed when i took those pics, but you can see it circled here on the hinge piece for the other door.
I cheked the doors on the Dragon kit i had built a few years back as i knew they had ful range of movement, and they did not have this. And i checked all the ;pics and none of those show anything like this. So i am not sure where AFV have got this design from. So i simply sniped them off. If you have the door closed, then you don't need to replace the locking rods and could get away with not sniping that piece off.
So with that done, both doors were fitted as well as PE brackets.
The upper work on the upper hull included replacing the kit hand rails which run along the top inside edge with PE and styrene rod. The Eduard PE said to use 0.5mm but i could not get this to fit so used 0.4.
And adding a few bits to the inside. This includes vision blocks, radio mount, which the instructions say not to fit for the /4 but according to my referances should be in place for a vehicle in 1943. And the long thin item on the left side in the pic are the rods for holding up the tarpaulin when placed over the vehicle. AFV club are the only company i have found that includes this. And despite have done their Ausf D which has it a few years ago, i over looked this item when i did my Dragon and Tamiya kits more recently, so thats a lesson i will take next time, that wil need some scratch work.
And i have just realised i had not taken any pics of the lower hull Well, its all now in the shed having been primed and painted along with seats, seat backs and otehr items kept lose for fitting later. And while thats drying, i will be getting the weapons painted tonight.
More soon.