Well we'll try this for the third time... Good morning all! I'm at the point of unmasking, weathering and detailing...
OK, I have the tape off, panes cleaned up, antenna wire and masts on and some of the weathering started.
What I've been doing lately instead of "Washing" to hilite the panel lines is to use Tamiya X19 "Smoke" thinning just a bit more then normal, getting right up close, and going over each panel line and recess (sometimes more then once) until the desired effect is achived. So far just the tail is done.
The panel lines are starting to stand out a bit more and the little bit of over spray actually accents them too. There are alot more out here that know alot more about aircraft then I ever will, But they (specially the old military ones) drip, leak, twist and oil can, and this smoke, fuel, oil and even resperation from the crew permiate the skins which were often post card thickness, and it will find seams to escape.
Well it took about three times, But I believe this is what I want. I have just a bit more to do and next pics will be the finished ones... Thanks for looking...Take care,