I don't know what it is, but somehow these Fine Molds kits are just sucking me in. Such fun to build, it feels like any little effort has lots of payback.
Eduard seatbelts, Gunze Mr Color 126 Mitsubishi interior green.
The kit gives you a flat faced instrument panel part for the decal, but I put it on the second part that had relief. The decal settled well just with MicroSol.
I used Mr Color interior blue green for the magazine, much better than the acrylic I used on the A5M4. Take a good look at the pressure bottles, you'll never see them once the fuselage is assembled.
Superb fit.
Picture was taken with the camera's HDR mode, high dynamic range, where it takes two different exposures and brightens dark areas and darkens light areas. Not a large cockpit opening.
The main wheels were grooved to allow installation after final painting, same as the wheels were molded in the A5M4 kit. All the engine parts were painted on the sprue. The ignition wires were painted rust before the engine was assembled. Touch up will be needed on the cowl after assembly. Masks were made for the windscreen with the Cameo vinyl cutter.
Almost a shame to put the cowl on.
The markings were painted, including the propeller stripes. Still have to do a matte clear coat, paint on the position lights, add the pitot tube that looks like a stork sitting on the wing, and install the main wheels.